2020's | Ohio 4-H Youth Development (2024)

2024 Hall of Fame

phil grover

Phil has been engaged in Ohio 4-H youth development for over 65 years. As a former Extension Educator, from 1955 to 1972, he supported 4-H and agriculture. During this time, he spent countless hours developing a strong junior fair board, a junior leadership club, a large camping program, and worked with local organizations to strengthen community support. Following his time as an Extension employee, he served as a 4-H volunteer in Fayette County. He was the primary advisor of the Rowdy Ranchers 4-H Club for 30 years, where he helped countless 4-H members grow and develop into the young leaders they are today. Through innovative projects and hands-on learning experiences, Phil empowered youth to discover their passions, build self-confidence, and develop a strong sense of responsibility. 4-H has always been an important part of Phil’s life. His enduring dedication has created a ripple effect that extends beyond club meetings into the wider community. He is a selfless leader who will always put youth first.

Kathleen Smith

Kathy has served as a Medina County volunteer for 24 years. She was a founding advisor for the Medina County Sharpshooters 4-H Club, where she helped lay a strong foundation for the club. Despite her own children aging out long ago, Kathy continues to volunteer with the club. It is thanks to her that many of the clubs’ iconic yearly events began. She taught members the importance of giving back by organizing community service projects such as decorating the South Cuyahoga Sportsman’s Association for the holidays and the Memorial Day headstone cleaning at the Ohio Western Reserve National Cemetery. For most volunteers serving in their county club is enough, but not Kathy. In addition to the countless hours she had dedicated to her 4-H club, she has stepped up to serve at the county and state level. She has coordinated multi-county shoots, served as the county judging coordinator, and worked with local and regional groups to offer unique educational events. One of Kathy’s greatest strengths is her patient leadership. She treats everyone with kindness and respect while helping them to develop confidence as they learn new skills. She fosters group cohesiveness, serving as a respected mentor, and teaching parents right along with the youth members. Above all Kathy cares about the youth in 4-H, whether it’s taking the time to work with someone who is struggling, stepping up to help at overnight camps, or helping at the Ohio State Fair, she never hesitates to selflessly donate her time to enable youth to thrive.

Brenda Teeters

In Lorain County, Brenda serves as the head advisor for the 4-H Home Growers 4-H Club for 33 years. Over 400 youth have been members of her club during these years. Her impact goes far beyond just one club. Brenda has given encouragement and leadership which has led many of the teens in her club to further develop their leadership skills as camp counselors, jr. fair board members, youth reps for the Lorain County 4-H Advisory Committee, and leaders in CARTEENS and Jr. Leaders. She has acted as a mentor to three additional clubs to get them off to a solid start. Brenda’s enthusiasm has impacted adults she volunteers with on the many boards she participates in. At the county level, she served fourteen years as a member of the 4-H Endowment Board and another seventeen years as a 4-H advisory committee member. She has held a variety of officer positions in both groups. She serves as an outstanding role model and mentor to many youth in her county. She takes a special interest in each child, whether it’s in her 4-H club, public speaking contests, camp counselor training, or quality assurance training. Her enthusiasm and positive influence have made her available and approachable to youth, as she helps them to see their potential and encourages them to do their best. Brenda’s genuine interest and concern for all youth that cross her path is what makes her such a wonderful mentor. Youth feel safe and loved by Brenda and seek her out for advice regarding 4-H, school, and life in general.

2023 Hall of Fame

2020's | Ohio 4-H Youth Development (1)STEVE Arnold

Steve's name is synonymous with servant leader. No job is too small or menial for Steve. You can always count on him to follow through with his commitments, and it will be done with 110% effort. The breadth of his 4-H volunteerism is the greatest example of his deep passion for 4-H and desire to serve to his fullest ability. Steve founded and advised two 4-H clubs in Wood County. For over twenty years, Steve has given his time to the Wood County 4-H Committee. He is an integral part of our biggest annual fundraiser, the 4-H Milkshake Barn, serves on the Wood County Clover Legacy Foundation, and continues to serve as adult staff at 4-H camp. Beyond his county commitments, Steve is a member of the Ohio 4-H Conference Planning Committee, State 4-H Shooting Sports Committee, and Buckeye Leadership Workshop Committee. In addition, Steve gives of his time to Ohio Military Kids, 4-H Leadership Camp, and offers shooting sports sessions at many other county 4-H camps.

2020's | Ohio 4-H Youth Development (2)ROBERT (bob) McBRIDE

Bob has been a 4-H volunteer for 59 years in Hardin County's Blanchard Pleasant Buckeyes 4-H Club. Bob has advised 3 generations of club members, sharing his expertise in livestock, shop projects, and public speaking. For decades, he has judged projects in several counties and at the Ohio State Fair. Prior to retirement, he was the FFA advisor at Hardin Northern Schools, where he forged a lasting partnership between Hardin County’s FFA Chapters and the 4-H program. When his late wife Bonnie passed away, Bob worked with the 4-H educator to start the Hardin County 4-H Volunteer of the Year award. He knew volunteers did great work and wanted to remember his Bonnie by recognizing those who embodied her spirit of serving others. When Ohio 4-H enacted a policy to require BCI screening every 4 years, Bob knew this might be a barrier for keeping great advisors. He lobbied state politicians and OSUE administration, leading the efforts to get this cost covered for volunteers. Bob has impacted Hardin County and Ohio 4-H by making the best better.

2020's | Ohio 4-H Youth Development (3)DONNA MISSLER

Donna became head advisor for the Stars of 4-H Club in 1985. As a seamstress, she became Williams County's Master Clothing Educator in 1997. Donna shares her knowledge with her club, county, northwest Ohio and at the state level. She served as president, vice president and assistant secretary/treasurer of the Williams County 4-H Council. Donna has worn many hats heading up committees for the chicken barbeque, pancake breakfast, fall recognition, and others. Donna also shared her expertise as a teacher at the Ohio 4-H Conference, as well as serving on the hospitality committee. She helped establish the first endowment committee in 2000. It has grown from giving three educational scholarships of $200 each to generating monies for trips, camperships, and $10,000 each in educational scholarships.

2020's | Ohio 4-H Youth Development (4)JOANN Skiles

JoAnn is the founder of the Williams County Endowment which she helped start. She made long-term contributions to the biennial 4-H Endowment Banquet by helping raise $15-20,000 each year for 4-H camperships, trips, and educational scholarships for 4-H youth. JoAnn is a nationally certified shooting sports coordinator and state certified pistol, rifle and archery instructor. She shares her love of shooting sports by teaching at the county and state. JoAnn volunteered at the National Shooting Sports Event in Nebraska almost every year since 2018. She has judged 4-H shooting sports projects in Ohio and Michigan. JoAnn has also excelled as an advisor for 4-H food projects. That passion led her to becoming a 4-H food judge for her county and at the Ohio State Fair. She served as the chair of the Ohio 4-H Conference, and is on the hospitality committee. She taught sessions at the conference and simply enjoys attending to bring new ideas back to her county.

2022 Hall of Fame

2020's | Ohio 4-H Youth Development (5)roberta gallagher

Roberta (Bobbie) has been an active volunteer in Portage County and Ohio 4-H for almost 40 years. In her time as a volunteer, she has served as head advisor of the Edinburg Seambusters where she dedicated her time to teaching 4-H youth how to sew as well as advising them on how to compete with their projects and encouraging their development in leadership. Bobbie also is a part of the Portage County Life-skills board as well as an Ohio 4-H Master Clothing Educator (MCE). Bobbie is a true leader and always encourages her youth to strive for success. She watches them grow and encourages them to apply for the scholarships and awards they deserve. She is never shy to lend a helping hand or advice. She enjoys helping 4-H’ers by performing mock interviews, writing recommendations, and assisting with achievement records or anything else they need to feel more confident and achieve whatever it is they want. Bobbie helps to grow young leaders and she always makes sure they strive to make their best better.

2020's | Ohio 4-H Youth Development (6)Betsy Moore

Betsy has spent her entire life championing the 4-H motto to make the best better. She works hard to chase opportunities that help maximize the amount and quality of 4-H programs available to our world’s future leaders. By being an IFYE, she advocated 4-H not only locally but globally. Betsy has been able to impact 4-H youth over multiple generations directly through her service, and indirectly through her advocacy and financial contributions. Betsy started a club for her daughters over three decades ago because she wanted to raise the bar of their club experience. Since then, she’s poured her heart into making the best hands-on learning experience possible for all the kids she’s had in her club. She passionately believes in developing public speaking and leadership skills through club meetings, but also by eagerly encouraging her members to participate in county, state, and national opportunities. Most notably, Betsy was the driving force in launching the Ross County 4-H Endowment, Betsy models being a dedicated volunteer. She served on the Ohio State University Extension Advisory Committee for six years and the Ohio 4-H Foundation Board for eight years, including chairing the Foundation Board’s County Endowment committee for six years. She’s not afraid to use her voice to advocate for all that 4-H offered to her as a 4-H’er.

2020's | Ohio 4-H Youth Development (7)Ada Sue workman

Probably the most significant contribution of Ada Sue is that she has made a difference in the lives of children. She is a dedicated, friendly, knowledgeable role model for countless 4-H'ers who have passed through her care. Many of her former Ashland County 4-H members that she has influenced over the past 60 plus years have stayed involved with the program. Each year, she teaches county-wide workshops to young 4-H'ers. She realizes that many children may never sew their own outfits but that everyone should have a basic knowledge of sewing so that clothes can be mended, simple accessories can be made. Two former 4-H members have since graduated and used some of what they learned from Ada Sue either in their chosen career or in a supplemental career. She also encourages youth to look at careers involving sewing - many times for an extra income while attending college or just earning some spending money for extras. While she may not speak to thousands or have patented a new invention, she has been a caring, positive influence in the lives of many and still makes a difference every day. A common saying is that people either see the glass as "half-full" or "half-empty." Ada Sue sees it as overflowing! She is one of the most positive people and that attitude rubs off on all those that she works with.

2021 Hall of Fame

Tony Carrera

Tony is more than just a 4-H advisor to the youth in his club. He is a mentor who is always ready to go beyond what is expected. He mentors youth to learn from their projects to gain skills they will use throughout their lives. In the early 70’s Tony saw a need at the Mahoning County Fair to provide affordable food for 4-H families. The Pop Shop was born and since has served as a place not only for food, but as a place for 4-H youth to work and learn business and customer service skills. Proceeds from the Pop Shop supports youth development opportunities in the county. Tony is a mentor and role model for many volunteers through the many committees on which he has served. Many of his 4-H alumni have returned to thank him for teaching them how to mentor others. Helping to coordinate the exchange trips to other states was also a highlight for members and adults alike. Many memories and friendships were created with youth in different areas of the country through this exchange program.

Karen Corcoran

Karen has made significant lifetime contributions of service to the Ohio 4-H program through the Ohio 4-H Foundation Board of Directors which, in turn, has resulted in positive impact upon clubs, communities, and the state 4-H program. Her lifetime of service began as a ten-year member of 4-H and continued as an adult, volunteering at Tar Hollow 4-H camps as a cook, to judging projects to helping members understand the value of volunteering. Karen, from Ross County served on the Ohio 4-H Foundation Board for 14 years, chairing various committees and ultimately as president. During Karen’s tenure the annual Celebration of Youth grew from generating $100,000 each year to more than $150,000. Karen is a humble, compassionate, accomplished leader that others look to for her thoughts and experience. Karen exhibits a strong leadership ability and wherever there was a 4-H need, she was there to fill it. Karen's passion for 4-H started as a child and she used the skills she learned in 4-H to set her career path. Not only did she use her Home Economics skills but her strong leadership skills in all aspects of her volunteer work.

Peg Naus

There are few people who have made a greater impact on 4-H youth in Wood County than Peg Naus. Her enthusiasm, special skills and continued dedication and volunteerism make her a valued treasure. Not only does she give hundreds of hours to youth in her role as an advisor of the Golden Key 4-H Club for the past 31 years, but it’s in her role as 4-H Camp Nurse is where her two loves “children and healthcare” are combined. Wood County campers with cuts, scrapes and tummy aches have appreciated “Nurse Peg’s” caring demeanor for 30 years. She has a knack for giving homesick campers a much-needed hug and sending them off with a smile. Peg has donated camperships for needy families, judged projects and taught craft sessions. Peg is a brilliant example of what is good about 4-H. She continues to give back in so many ways and has encouraged generations of youth and young adults to build strong character through 4-H. She is an inspiration to her community, and her positive attributes and ability to empower others is her special gift.

2020 Hall of Fame

2020's | Ohio 4-H Youth Development (8)Jane Copenhefer

Jane is the face of the Licking County 4-H Band. The 4-H band operates as the largest 4-H Club in Licking County, with more than 125 members in 2019. The youth who have worked with Jane over the past 47 years have gained confidence, life skills, and invested in the communities in which they live. She believes everyone has worth, and it has nothing to do with how they look or dress, or how much support they have at home. Jane is committed to the 4-H Band with weekly practices from March through the end of May, the week-long band camp, and an eight-day performance schedule during the Hartford Independent Fair. During the summer, the band performs on average twice a week. Her biggest accomplishment is that she opens the door to 4-H for a group of youth who might not otherwise choose to join the 4-H program.

David Greer

David has served as an instructor for hundreds of youth across Ohio. He has judged natural resources projects at the state fair, taught at the Ohio 4-H Conservation Camp and at programs in Knox County. He was well prepared for those opportunities having taught science subjects at the high school level until his retirement. For 21 years, David has served as an adult camp staff member for Knox and Holmes camps and was a trainer for camp counselors. His love of teaching is evident, no matter where he travels or what ages are represented in his audiences. He has positive thoughts to share while accepting people as they are. David has served on the Knox County 4-H Planning Committee as well as regional and statewide advisory committees.

2020's | Ohio 4-H Youth Development (9)Victor Long

Vic has made a positive impact on the youth and adults of Lorain County for over 45 years. His involvement began as a volunteer for the Lorain County Steer Club. Vic has conducted numerous clinics for youth taking steers and lambs, assisted with tagging and never hesitates to help youth with any issues or questions. Many of the youth he has come into contact with have attended college to pursue careers in agriculture and are currently involved in local and state 4-H programs. There is no doubt Vic’s passion for 4-H had positive influence on these youth, who are now adults and continue to promote 4-H.

2020's | Ohio 4-H Youth Development (2024)


What is the 4-H study of positive youth development? ›

4‑H Study of Positive Youth Development is a longitudinal study that began in 2002 and was repeated annually for eight years, surveying more than 7,000 adolescents from diverse backgrounds across 42 U.S. states.

What is the set of principles the 4-H positive youth development program is based on? ›

Positive Youth Development (PYD)

PYD programs have three major components: Positive and sustained relationships between youth and adults. Activities that build important life skills. Creating opportunities for youth to apply what they are learning to improve their communities, both as participants and as leaders.

How do you explain what 4-H is? ›

Head, Heart, Hands, and Health are the four Hs in 4‑H, and they are the four values members work on through fun and engaging programs.

How do you qualify for 4-H in Ohio? ›

Membership to the 4-H club program begins when a child is enrolled in 3rd grade and is at least 8 as of January 1 of the current year. Any youth age 9 or above is eligible for project membership, regardless of grade level. Ohio 4-H membership ends December 31 of the year in which an individual attains the age of 19.

What are the 4 C's of youth development? ›

The original 4Cs were competence, confidence, connection, and character [3], upon which Lerner et al. [1] added the fifth C – caring/compassion. The 5Cs represent latent constructs which culminate to produce the higher order factor of PYD.

What are the 5 C's of Positive Youth Development? ›

The Five Cs of Positive Youth Development, comprising competence, confidence, connection, caring and character, leading to a sixth C of contribution, is a well-known and well-researched PYD model (Heck & Subramaniam, 2009) and much of this work has been undertaken in the United States with quantitative methodologies.

What are the five key elements for positive youth development? ›

These Five Key Elements for Positive Youth Development are:
  • A Safe, Positive Environment.
  • Fun.
  • Supportive Relationships.
  • Opportunities and Expectations.
  • Recognition.

What is the focus of the positive youth development approach? ›

Positive youth development programs strengthen young people's sense of identity, belief in the future, self-regulation, and self-efficacy as well as their social, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral competence. Development programs involving youth are more effective.

What are five important aspects of positive youth? ›

The 5Cs model of Positive Youth Development (PYD) is a widely accepted framework which proposes five psychological, behavioral and social qualities that indicate youth thriving. The 5Cs are Competence, Confidence, Character, Connection, and Caring [1].

Why is 4-H important? ›

4-H provides opportunities for youth development and for youth to develop skills, practical knowledge, and wisdom through observing, doing, and living through experiences. The 4 H's are Head, Heart, Hands, and Health.

What is the 4-H motto? ›

What is the 4-H Motto? “To Make the Best Better” – The 4-H motto encourages each member to do his or her best and improve the next time, so their “best” becomes “better.” Members stretch their abilities and capacities to reach their full potential.

What is a 4-H demonstration? ›

In a 4-H demonstration, the youth shows how to do something while telling how it's done. It is called a “show how” and “tell how” presentation. The work is performed before your eyes and there is a finished product at the end. This is what makes it different from an illustrated talk.

What is the youngest age for 4-H? ›

4‑H programs are available for youth and teens ages 8-18. 4‑H Cloverbud programs are available for youth ages 5-7.

Is 4-H only in Ohio? ›

However, Ohio is proud of its early 4-H heritage and of the fact that the Ohio programs are one of the largest in existence today. 4-H is no longer only for members of the farming community, but extends into the suburbs and inner-cities all over America.

What is 4-H on college application? ›

The four Hs stand for head, hands, heart, and health, a philosophy is reflected in the official pledge, much like Boy and Girl Scouts.

What is the theory of Positive Youth Development? ›

PYD is an intentional, prosocial approach that engages youth within their communities, schools, organizations, peer groups, and families in a manner that is productive and constructive; recognizes, utilizes, and enhances young people's strengths; and promotes positive outcomes for young people by providing ...

What is the 4-H theory in psychology? ›

Making a commitment to the four H's helps the members commit to something bigger than themselves. Head, Heart, Hands and Health are the words that thousands of 4-H members live by.

What is the focus of the Positive Youth Development approach? ›

Positive youth development programs strengthen young people's sense of identity, belief in the future, self-regulation, and self-efficacy as well as their social, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral competence. Development programs involving youth are more effective.

What is the 4-H thriving model? ›

The 4-H Thriving Model is based on research conducted at Oregon State University's College of Public Health and Human Services. This model predicts that youth who participate in 4-H programs that provide a high-quality developmental context will thrive, and thriving youth achieve key developmental outcomes.

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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

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Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.