Beaumont Turns Hogwarts - Fall Fun Castle — Emerson Center Hogwart’s Express or Knight Bus — Shuttle House - [PDF Document] (2024)

Beaumont Turns Hogwarts - Fall Fun Castle — Emerson Center Hogwart’s Express or Knight Bus — Shuttle House - [PDF Document] (1)

Beaumont Turns Hogwarts - Fall Fun Castle — Emerson Center Hogwart’s Express or Knight Bus — Shuttle House - [PDF Document] (2)

Beaumont Turns HogwartsAstronomy Tower — FlagpoleBurrow — Climbing TowerCare of Magical Creatures — Pioneer Circle Divination Tower — Volleyball PavilionFlorean Fortescue’s Parlour — Consession StandForbidden Forest — Trees on Chapel HillGodric’s Hollow — Camporee FieldsGrand Hall/Dining Hall — Dining HallGringott’s Bank — Casino NightHagrid’s Hut — GazeboHippogriffs — Horses Hogsmeade’s Station — Parking LotHogwarts Castle — Emerson CenterHogwart’s Express or Knight Bus — ShuttleHouse Common Rooms — Pavilions in Camporee FieldsHouse Elf’s Kitchen — KitchenKing’s Cross Station — Ranger StationLeaky Cauldron — Adult VIP LoungeMuggle Studies — Any event we can’t theme HogwartsOne-Eyed Witch Passage — Path to ScoutcraftOwlery — Beckett CabinPrefect’s Bathroom — Shower HouseQuidditch World Cup Field — Field AScoutcraft Field — Hogsmeade VillageShrieking Shack — ChapelSirius/Hagrid’s Hideout — Mud CaveSnape’s Dungeon Classroom — TheaterSorting (In Council/Out of Council) — Opening MeetingStaff Lounge — OfficeTri-wizard Arena — Stage/FieldTrial Chamber at the Department of Mysteries — Council RingVanishing Stair — StaircaseWhomping Willow Hill — Chapel Hill PathZonko’s Gift Shop — Trading Post

Beaumont Turns Hogwarts - Fall Fun Castle — Emerson Center Hogwart’s Express or Knight Bus — Shuttle House - [PDF Document] (3)

Welcome to the 39th Annual Fall Fun Rally! Since 1974 the Fall Fun Rally has been held at Beaumont Scout Reservation, one of the largest gatherings of Explorers, Sea Scouts and Venturers. If you ask some of the Advisors of the Fall Fun Rally in their youth, you’ll hear stories of thousands of Explorers gathered here, with one of the highlight events being helicopter rides. And though we can no longer give helicopter rides, the Fall Fun Rally has been growing over the last few years, drawing 700 - 800 participants each of the last couple years. In 2008 the Fall Fun Rally was the first designated Central Region Celebration of the 10th Anniversary of Venturing. In 2010, as the Centennial Year of Boy Scouts of America approached, the Greater St. Louis Area Council officers noticed there was something missing at the National level. The National Jamboree was to be the celebration for Boy Scouts, but there was none for Venturing, or for that matter, Sea Scouting or Exploring. So in the Fall of 2009, the VOA officers began the process of asking for the designation of the 2010 Fall Fun Rally as a national event. We were all pleasantly surprised, and then immediately overwhelmed, when the 2010 Fall fun Rally was officially designated the BSA Centennial Year Venturing Event! In 2010 we had participants from 10 states and 44 Councils across the country. We had attendees from Southern Florida, to the UP of Michigan, From New Jersey to Utah. At the final count we had a total of 1348 Venturers, Explorers, Sea Scouts and adult leaders in attendance. Whether this is your first Fall Fun Rally, or your 39th, whether you drove 10 minutes, or drove all day, we welcome you to this Fall Fun Rally. Enjoy yourself, meet some new friends, and make some memories. If you are lucky, you too will have some stories to share in 39 years.

Adam Kaul 2012 FFR Youth Chair

Tim Yahl Rachel Bisch 2012 FFR Advisor Council VOA President Lisa Abernathy Jeff Abernathy Council Associate Council VOA Advisor VOA Advisor Program

Chris Ford Eric Mircsov Council Associate Council Associate VOA Advisor Admin. VOA Advisor Comm.

Beaumont Turns Hogwarts - Fall Fun Castle — Emerson Center Hogwart’s Express or Knight Bus — Shuttle House - [PDF Document] (4)

FFR Junior Press Association

Hey everybody! Even though Fall Fun Rally is still a full summer away, the preparations are already in full swing so this can be the best Fall Fun Rally yet. This year at Fall Fun Rally we are hosting a new program called the, “FFR Junior Press Association”. This program is designed to introduce some aspects of photojournalism to the youth that participate. The program will entail going about your day as usual, but taking pictures while you are at it. In the afternoon, you will submit your photos to the FFR staff to be used in a post-FFR newsletter and the Saturday night slideshow. You will also have the chance to write a small article that will go in the newsletter. While participating, you will have the chance to converse and ask questions with some of the professional photographers you see taking photos at Fall Fun Rally every year! If you are interested in joining this program email Ryan at [emailprotected]. In the email, include your full name (first and last), your hometown and state, your crew number and council, and your phone number. At the end of the summer, we will email everybody who signed up a manual with information in it about your position on the Fall Fun Rally Press. This is shaping up to be a great program so come and join us!

Beaumont Turns Hogwarts - Fall Fun Castle — Emerson Center Hogwart’s Express or Knight Bus — Shuttle House - [PDF Document] (5)

Things to know

• The headquarters for the weekend is Hogwarts (Emerson Center)• TherearebathroomsinHogwartsandatthepool. Hogwarts will be open during program on Friday and from 7a - Midnight on Saturday and 7a- Noon on Sunday. Showers are available at the pool. Due to the fact that there is only one set of showers and bathrooms at the pool, there are dedicated hours for Youth (under 21) and Adults (21 and older). Please abide by these hours. They will apply for the entire weekend. Youth: 7 AM - 1 PM and 6 PM - 10 PM Adult: 1 PM - 6 PM and 10 PM - 7 AM• Curfewis12:30AMonFridaynightand1:00AMonSaturdaynight.Pleasebeonyour campsite and quiet enough so as not to disturb others at this time. Please be respectful of your neighbors.• Thereisnocentralmedicalstaffforthisevent.FirstAidistheresponsibilityof the unit leader. Of course, in an emergency, please notify the event staff, especially if needing to leave the event.• AfterunloadingyourvehicleintheLanecamporeearea,pleasemoveasmanyof your cars as you can down the road to the Shippey Camporee Area.• There is no driving around the Fall Fun Rally to get to events. All events are within walking distance.. Exceptions: You may drive to horseback rides from the camping area if you have tickets. Those that have mobility issues may also drive or be driven, but there is limited parking at all activity locations. You may have to drop off those needing transportation and walk from the nearest parking spots. Please limit your driving coming and going from the event or for those that cannot walk distances. Limited parking will be available at the lot across from the Camp May Nature Lodge. The large parking lot at Hogwarts will be reserved for activities on Saturday. Parking will be extremely constrained in front of Hogwarts.• Pleaserefertoallotherparkingrulesontheparkingpassthatyouareissued when entering the Fall Fun Rally.• WithallthefolksfromdifferentCouncils,feelfreetotradepatchesinany of the program areas. But ensure that youth are trading with youth and adults with adults.• Groundfiresarepermitted.Pleaseensurethatyourfireissafe. Only dead fallen wood may be burned or cut. Do not cut down any standing trees. Please remove all large unburned pieces of wood at the end of the event so that the rangers can mow.• Asalways,fireworks,non-prescriptiondrugs,alcohol,andactsofasexualnatureare not allowed and will result in your being asked to leave the event.• Adultsareresponsibleforyourunits’youthatalltimes.Pleaseensurethatyour youth are acting responsibly, including at the dance and at the campsite.• UnitseatinginHogwartswillbeaskedtobustheirowntablesandwipethemdown after eating. We will be eating in shifts, so your cooperation in moving through will be appreciated.• Allparticipants,adultoryouth,mustwearawristband.Thosenotwearingtheir wristbands will be denied participation in any and all activities.

Beaumont Turns Hogwarts - Fall Fun Castle — Emerson Center Hogwart’s Express or Knight Bus — Shuttle House - [PDF Document] (6)


Attention all Venturing Crews, Explorer Posts, and Sea Scout Ships:The Fall Fun Rally is a weekend of fun and excitement for all Venturing Crews, Explorer Posts, Sea Scout Ships, Older Boy Scouts, youth groups and adults. You may choose to sleep in tents for the weekend or participate on Saturday as a day event only. Here is an awesome opportunity to see what outdoor programs we have in store for you. If you are new to Venturing, then this is the ultimate event for you. What a great chance to see the programs available to you, as well as to meet with other youth and adults from other Crews, Posts and Ships from around the nation! Don’t miss out on a non-stop adventure that lasts almost two days.

When: Check in 5:00 – 10:00 PM Friday, September 28, 2012 Check out 10:00 – 1 1 :30 AM on Sunday, September 30, 2012

Where: Beaumont Scout Reservation, Located 8 miles west of intersection of I-44 and I-270 off I-44. Take the Beaumont Antire Road Exit #269 to Beaumont.

Who: All registered Venturers, Explorers, Sea Scouts, and adult leaders. All youth members attending must be with a crew, post or ship under 2-deep adult leadership. Guests that are being encouraged to join Exploring, Venturing or Sea Scouts may attend as long as they are at least 13 1/2 years of age and completed the 8th grade.

This year’s Fall Fun Rally cost starts at $14.00 per person* for early registration. This is a guarantee for a T-shirt only if you pre-register prior to September 16, 2012.

**T-shirts will be pre-ordered only. ** ***If you do not pre-register, you may not get a T-shirt***

All participants, (youth and adults) must wear wristbands AT ALL TIMES.If you lose or misplace your wristband you will be required to purchase another one if for a fee of $10. If you are not a participant, you will be asked to leave the Fall Fun Rally.

Beaumont Turns Hogwarts - Fall Fun Castle — Emerson Center Hogwart’s Express or Knight Bus — Shuttle House - [PDF Document] (7)

Beaumont Turns Hogwarts - Fall Fun Castle — Emerson Center Hogwart’s Express or Knight Bus — Shuttle House - [PDF Document] (8)

VOA ElectionsThe Greater St. Louis Area Council Venturing Officers’ Association is the elected leadership for the Venturing Program in the Council. All Crew and Ship Officers are members of the VOA. In addition, there are elected officers at the District and Council levels. Both of these elections will take place this weekend. The VOA is responsible for the great programs that you see at the District and Council levels, including events like the Fall Fun Rally. They also organize youth trainings and help the communication between units and the Council.Last year eight Districts had elected officers, and this year, with your help, we will again.

Whether it be the Council or the District, each will elect the same four officers. (Districts may also elect additional ones). These four would be the President, Vice President of Administration, Vice President of Program, and Vice President of Communication. All four are critical to the functioning of the VOA, and each is an important part that you could play in the Venturing program in St. Louis.

Council Elections The Council VOA Elections will be Friday at 8:00 PM at Hogwarts. For each office, nomination of candidates will be taken from the people gathered, followed by speeches and voting. Every Crew or ship in attendance will receive three votes which may be split amongst any of the candidates or cast for only one candidate. After the winner is announced, the process will be repeated for each of the other offices. Candidates are allowed to “drop down” to the next office and run again.

District ElectionsThe District Elections will be held Saturday afternoon at 4:30 PM immediately following program in the activities field. Each District will gather and elect their officers. Please support your District VOA and participate in the elections.

Beaumont Turns Hogwarts - Fall Fun Castle — Emerson Center Hogwart’s Express or Knight Bus — Shuttle House - [PDF Document] (9)

NEW THIS YEAR!!! CABIN RENTALS!!!Some of the cabins will be available for rent at the normal Council fee for the weekend. That fee is $100 per cabin. The cabins that will be available are: Jordan, McBride, Lantz and Malinkrodt. If you have a larger group the Nagel Rec hall will also be available for rental for a fee of $100. To reserve them, contact the Registar at [emailprotected]

Tent Rentals: The tents are the Camp/Army style canvas that will be available for $10.00 per tent, refund of $5.00 when properly returned. Tents are available for pickup 6-10 p.m. on Friday and from 9-10 a.m. on Saturday at the Trading Post.

Advance reservation is required on all rentals. Please contact the Registar [emailprotected] to make your reservations on a first come first serve basis.

Hippogriff Rides: Free. This year we will be employing a lottery system. You will be able to enter the lottery online when you register. If you are chosen, you will receive your ticket to ride when you check in. Please do not overestimate the number of riders that you will have. If you find that once you arrive, you will not be using all of your tickets, please return the unused ones so that others may get a chance to ride.

TENTATIVE SCHEDULEFriday 5:00 - 10:00 Check In 8:00 - 9:15 Council Elections and President/Advisor Meetings 9:15 - 12:00 Evening Program - Movie: Harry Potter Part ? - Theatre Harry Potter Trivia - Large Meeting Room 12:30 Curfew

Saturday 7:30 - 9:00 Continued Check In 9:00 - 12:00 Morning Program 12:00 - 1:00 Lunch 1:00 - 4:30 Afternoon Program 4:30 - 5:30 District Elections 5:30 - 7:15 Dinner 7:15 - 8:15 Religious Services 8:15 - 8:30 VOA Meeting (New and old officers) 8:30 - 9:15 Rally Awards and Slide Show 9:15 - 12:00 Evening Program 12:30 Curfew

Sunday Trainings and Check Out

Beaumont Turns Hogwarts - Fall Fun Castle — Emerson Center Hogwart’s Express or Knight Bus — Shuttle House - [PDF Document] (10)

Beaumont Turns Hogwarts - Fall Fun Castle — Emerson Center Hogwart’s Express or Knight Bus — Shuttle House - [PDF Document] (11)

Program EventsAnimal Food Fear Factor Do you have what it takes to face your fears? Bring your taste buds and try out some of your favorite animal’s food! Yum Yum! *All food samples used during this event is FDA approved*

Archery Try your aim at some 3-D targets or maybe try to get the best hand at a poker shoot.

Are You Tough Enough? (Military and Marshals) Come and join us in the program field for some rough and tough challenges that could only be put on by the greatest men and women our country has to offer, the United States Armed Forces and the US Marshals service.

Astronomy/Telescope Viewing On Saturday Night, the St. Louis Astronomy Club will be joining us with their large telescopes. Come have a look at our galaxy.

Badminton A game for all ages. Test your skills with the shuttleco*ck. Try out your backhand and spike against your friends.

Battle of the Dementors Dementors chasing you? Would you like to fend them off with padded weapons? Come and join in the battle! They will have enough extra weaponry to get your licks in, or you can bring your own gear.

Blind Makeover With a blindfold on, you have as bad eyesight as Harry does without his glasses ! And you are givin someone a makeover.

Blind Navigation Course Think you can follow a course with a compass? How about trying it blindfolded?

Boomerang Demonstration and Lessons Never thrown a boomerang before? Come get a lesson from the master. This is tons of fun!

Bottle Rockets Bring a 2 liter soda bottle decorated in the latest rocket fashion and see it get launched into the air.

Beaumont Turns Hogwarts - Fall Fun Castle — Emerson Center Hogwart’s Express or Knight Bus — Shuttle House - [PDF Document] (12)

Branding Make a custom souvenir by bringing your boots, belt or other durable items to the trading post area and get them branded with a custom-made Fall Fun Rally or Beaumont Reservation branding iron.

Broomstick Obstacle Course Test you flying skills while holding on to your broomstick and making your way through a number of obstacles.

Burrow (Climbing Tower) Our very own 50-foot climbing tower will be open all day to test your strength and endurance. See if you can climb all four outside walls but don’t miss out on the three chimneys inside. Camp Decoration Show your Hogwarts house pride at your campsite! Campsite decorations will be judged at noon. Pre-register on Friday night so we know where your campsite is located. *Campsites must be Hogwarts themed to win.*

Capture the Flag Capture the flag “Venturing style”. This game involves two teams armed with socks full of flour. Each team places a flag at the end of their field (visible and no higher than 6ft off the ground). The opponents are eliminated by hitting them with the sock of flour. Game ends when one team successfully retrieves the flag. Teams usually play several rounds of the game, because it tends to go fast. Hitting in the head is NOT allowed and throws need to be overhand (no swinging the sock)

Cup Stacking See who can stack 36 plastic cups into a perfect triangle shaped structure the fastest, once that’s completed, a player must get the cups back into a single stack the fastest.

Dunking Booth Pathfinder District has stepped up to man a Dunking Booth at the FFR. This will be an amazing opportunity to submerge many of your favorite Venturers.

Dutch Oven Cook-off All crews are invited to participate in a delicious cook off! A secret ingredient will be provided to add to the ingredients that you bring, so find your best recipes. There will be no shortage of judges.

Extreme Tricycle Racing Wild and wacky downhill tricycle racing. Best times will be announced at the closing ceremony.

Beaumont Turns Hogwarts - Fall Fun Castle — Emerson Center Hogwart’s Express or Knight Bus — Shuttle House - [PDF Document] (13)

Fencing Tournament Once again the Milstadt Venturing Crew will be hosting a fencing tournament. If you have never tried fencing, come and find out what an épée is. If you would like to pre-register for the tournament you can at:

F.I.R.S.T. Robotics Come to Hogwarts to see some awesome robots in action! They might even be playing Quidditch!

Flag Football Join your fellow students for a friendly game of flag football.

Garbage Band A twist on ‘garage band’. Instruments will be provided made of non-traditional stuff. Washtub bass, jug, pvc tubes,washboard, shakers of all concoctions, big drums, little drums, kettle drums. Venturers will jam. Impromptu concerts. Crazy dancing. Maybe even some rapping?

Hagrid’s Hideout (Mud Cave) Come and see one of nature’s unique creation, Mud Cave, right here on our very own property. Come and join one of our local caving grottos as they give daily tours of the cave. Bring a change of clothes, sturdy boots, and a flashlight for this event because you will be in the mud. This event is for those who do not mind getting dirty. If you participate in Mud Cave you must be rinsed down at the hose station located by the pool before entering the shower houses.

Harry Potter Trivia On Friday night there will be a Harry Potter trivia contest in the large meeting room at Hogwarts. Let’s find out what you really know about Harry Potter.

Hillbilly Golf Easy to learn and do. Have fun with the Bolo’s. This is open to everyone. There will not be a tournament. You can come and play just for fun anytime.

Hippogriff Riding Come on down for a good time as you are exploring the great back country trails of the Beaumont Scout Reservation. Learn how to become a true horse whisperer as you saddle up for a little trail ride. Register online for the Hippogriff lottery when you register for the event.

Hole-In-One Golf Try your hand at swinging a club. See if you can get a hole-in-one!

Beaumont Turns Hogwarts - Fall Fun Castle — Emerson Center Hogwart’s Express or Knight Bus — Shuttle House - [PDF Document] (14)

Horcrux Scavenger Hunt Dumbledore has sent you on a quest to find the Horcruxes! Will you accept the challenge? Once you think you have found them all, turn in your answers to the front desk at Hogwarts! Horseshoes Anybody can throw a horseshoe, but can you throw a ringer? Play with your friends to twenty-one. Jukebox Come pick what you want to hear from the long list of songs loaded on the “Jukebox” laptop. Kick Rover This will be fun! Kick Rover is a combination of Kickball and Red - Rover. Kubb The ultimate object of the game is to knock the “king” over, before your opponent does. Combined with a level of strategy, this game is nicknamed the game “Viking Chess”. Unlike chess, if a player or team knocks over the king before achieving their objectives, that player/team immediately loses the game. Letterboxing Participants can follow a pre-defined course to test their clue finding and orienteering skills. Begin at the registration desk in Hogwarts Lucky Rock The afternoon is hot and you want a relaxing activity? Join us at Lucky Rock and create a fun colored rock. Bring your creativity and just relax. Come and just have fun you won’t regret. Minute to Win It Games Shoe Toss - The contest is how many times a person can toss a shoe, off of their feet, so it lands on a table 15 feet away.

Water Pong - The objective is to get as many groups of 5 to 10 ping-pong balls into a cup (or egg carton).

Slinky Toss-n-stack - Attach a dangling slinky to the person’s forehead. Then, they move their head upright until the slinky stacks up. Repeat as many times as a minute

Apple Stack - Stack as many apples as possible on top of each other. Model Rocket Launch Everyone is invited to show off their model rocket skills at our open model rocket event. You will need to bring your own rocket and engine. We will have the launch platform.

Beaumont Turns Hogwarts - Fall Fun Castle — Emerson Center Hogwart’s Express or Knight Bus — Shuttle House - [PDF Document] (15)

Mountain Man Rendezvous Come one, come all to the Mountain Man Rendezvous. Home to a few locals, this is where the original adventure began over 200 years ago. We will show you the basics of blacksmithing, tomahawk throwing, pioneer cooking and much more. Mystery Bean Identification Try to figure out the flavor of your favorite beans. Night Hike As an alternative to the other activities on Saturday night, you could join us for a night hike on one of the many trails at Beaumont. Ninja Compete against your fellow Venturers to see who will be the ultimate Ninja. Outdoor Bowling Bowling outdoors? Photography Contest (with show) Photographers - if you have great shots or videos from this weekend, please stop by Hogwarts lobby to download them. Besides adding to the archive, you may see your shots on the big screen at the slide show. The top three participant photos will be chosen to win a prize. Pioneering Want to try your hand at building something cool? How about a monkey bridge or a signal tower? If you don’t know your knots, this is the place to learn. Potions Making Come learn how to make your favorite potions. Quidditch Fly, Zip and Zoom while you watch out for bludgers and catch the Golden Snitch. Bring your Nimbus 2000 if you have one, otherwise we will have some! RC Boats The Sea Scouts Ship (who else) will be hosting a day of having fun driving some remote control boats. Rifle and Pistol Range Come on down and try your luck at our rifle and pistol range. Shooting at paper tartgets is not as easy at it may seem. Venturing is the only Scouting program that is allowed to shoot pistols.

Beaumont Turns Hogwarts - Fall Fun Castle — Emerson Center Hogwart’s Express or Knight Bus — Shuttle House - [PDF Document] (16)

Rope the Log Like tug of war, but requiring skills with a lariat. If you aren’t a roping expert, your team of 3 can learn what they need to know. SCUBA Display Do you know what S.C.U.B.A. stands for? Come find out and learn about how easy it is to participate in a SCUBA experience. Sea Scouts Sailboat Display Static Display is a chance to see our boats and ask questions about the Sea Scouting program. Shotgun Range Come on down and try your luck at our shooting range. Try to take on some clay pigeons at the shotgun range. Maybe you will get the best shot award. Slacklining Think about a balance beam and all the tricks you might do on the beam. Now do that on a 1” wide piece of tubular webbing. Slip-n-Slide You will definitely get wet on this one!! Bring a suit if you have one! Snack Bar We will have Hogwarts Hamburgers and Hagrids Hot Dogs for sale to fill your bellies! Softball Shot Test your power, see how far you can throw a softball. Squeeze Box The Squeeze Box. How low can you go? A test of your ability to squeeze through a really small space. It is good practice for caving. We will keep score so we know who has the bragging rights. S.T.E.M. Program Village Come learn about the different opportunities to earn various awards through the S.T.E.M. program. Table Top Presentation Contest Show off what your crew or district has done by presenting it to the entire council through a table top presentation. Put your ideas on a poster board or regular science fair board. Turn all displays in at registration. Titanic Hypothermia Challenge Titanic Hypothermia Challenge is a chance to cool off and get a real hands on for what it’s like to work in freezing cold water. Can you meet the challenge?

Beaumont Turns Hogwarts - Fall Fun Castle — Emerson Center Hogwart’s Express or Knight Bus — Shuttle House - [PDF Document] (17)

Tricycle Jousting Grab your lance and pedal your way to a smooth victory!

Tug of War Come and see if your crew has what it takes to be the strongest crew of the year at this friendly Tug-of-War competition. This is only for bragging rights.

Twister Tangle yourself up in fun at the Twister station!

Ultimate Frisbee Throw your best Huck to win the game! Get your houses together and challenge your rivals.

V-Box This contraption os similar to the Squeeze-box but more like a jungle gym. Try to figure out how to squeeze/crawl/climb though a maze of horizontal obstacles.

Venturing Idol You and/or your crew can showcase any form of talent (Scout appropriate). You may be good enough to make it as one of our top 5 talent groups showing your stuff in front of all Fall Fun Rally participants on Saturday night. You may participate as an individual or as a team. There is no limit as to the number of entries per post or crew. (NO ADULTS) Auditions and preliminary judging starts at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, September 23rd, at Hogwarts Theater (tentative). Groups that have pre-registered will be given first priority on Friday night. We will handle “walk-ins” as time permits. You must attend Friday’s Preliminary Judging in order to compete on Saturday night. Only 5 talent acts will advance to the finals. The show committee will choose the top five acts from all participants. Those top 5 chosen will be listed at Fall Fun Rally headquarters by 1:00 PM on Saturday afternoon. You will be given a specific performance time for the Saturday night finals. Each act is limited to 4 minutes total. This time limit includes any needed set up time your act may require. If recorded music is to be used, it must be on a CD.


Beaumont Turns Hogwarts - Fall Fun Castle — Emerson Center Hogwart’s Express or Knight Bus — Shuttle House - [PDF Document] (18)

VIP Lounge Potluck Bring your favorite dish to share and come down to the theatre and socialize with your fellow Advisors while enjoying some music and snacks. Volleyball Join us as we dig, set and spike our way through Fall Fun Rally! Walk ups welcome. No actual skill required. Wand Making Go to Olivander’s Wand Shop and craftsmen will assist you in creating your own custom wand. Afterward you can decorate it to your hearts desire. Washers Easy to learn and do. Have fun with the washers. This is open to everyone. You can come and play just for fun anytime. Water Balloons This will be a surprise event. What won’t be a surprise is that you will probably wind up wet. Whomping Willow Bean bag toss while the tree defends the target. You can be the tosser or the tree. What is Sea Scouting? - 30 Minute Presentation This is a short overview of the Sea Scouting within Venturing, what it can offer your crew and how it fits in as an enhancement to the regular Venturing program. Yule Ball Need I say more! One of the coolest parties of the year is here! Come join us for the 40th annual Fall Fun Rally Dance! Come join us in the lodge as we party it up. You will get a chance to practice your moves and see who has the grooviest outfit. Zonkos Gift Shop This year the trading post is going to be open and fully stocked with all of the regular items that you would expect to find at camp. Candy, Sodas, Souvenirs and T-shirts. If you didn’t get a keychain last year, we still have some


Beaumont Turns Hogwarts - Fall Fun Castle — Emerson Center Hogwart’s Express or Knight Bus — Shuttle House - [PDF Document] (19)

TRAININGS AND DISCUSSIONS Course Offerings: • Thisisalistofallthecourseswearecurrentlylookingatholding. Please check at the registration center at the event for an updated version of this list. • Coursesrequiringpre-registrationwillbeavailableonlinefor registration on the Fall Fun Rally website. • Somecourseswillberunningthroughoutthedayandarelistedaswalk-up courses. Feel free to stop by these places at any time. • Thecoursesarelistedbelowroughlyintheorderofwhentheywillbe presented, except for the three courses that require payment, due to the cost of training materials. Those three are listed last. A. HISTORY OF VENTURING This class while focusing on the history of Venturing is sure to be more exciting than History of Magic. For one thing it is not being taught by a ghost. Venturing has a rich history and unique stories along the way. Come hear how this program has developed throughout the years. Saturday 11:00 am (Large Meeting Room) B. MUGGLE PHOTOGRAPHY For Witches and Wizards interested in still photography, commonly referred to as Muggle Photography, this session will teach you how to take outstanding still photos. Saturday 10:00 am (Theatre) C. TRANSFIGURING YOU CREW’S PROGRAM While we might not be able to show you how to change rats into tea cups, we can show you how to transfigure your crew’s program into something magical for your youth members. Saturday 9:00 am (Theatre) D. ASTRONOMY We will be meeting in the field during the Yule Ball to gaze at the stars. Don’t worry, you don’t have to make a star chart for your O.W.L. exam just yet. Come see why people have been gazing at the stars for years. Saturday Night 9:00 (Scout Craft Field) E. LEADERSHIP STUDIES Calling all Muggles, Witches and Wizards who are interested in expanding your futures. The heads of Venturing will be talking about additional courses you can take to expand your knowledge of leadership in the Scouting world. Saturday 10:00 am (Large Meeting Room)

Beaumont Turns Hogwarts - Fall Fun Castle — Emerson Center Hogwart’s Express or Knight Bus — Shuttle House - [PDF Document] (20)

F. SEA SCOUT BASICS (WALK UP) Want to learn what Sea Scouting is all about? Stop by the Sea Scout Saturday All Day (Sea Scout Display)

G. DIVINING YOUR FUTURE Are you destined to become a leader in the Venturing program? Come hear from the experts what Venturing beyond the Council is all about. Saturday 11:00 am (Theatre)

H. VENTURING O.W.L.s Interested in putting your knowledge to the test? Venturing Awards are designed to expand and test your knowledge. This session will cover the basics of Venturing Awards and recognitions. Saturday 9:00 am (Large Meeting Room)

YULE BALL DANCING I. Line Dancing Saturday 1:00 (Large Meeting Room)

J. Swing Dancing Saturday 2:00 (Large Meeting Room)

K. Jitterbug Saturday 3:00 (Large Meeting Room)

MUGGLE STUDIES L. Venturing Basic Leader Training (Pre-Registration Required) Limited to the first 30 adults registered. Cost: $20 Saturday 1:00 PM- 4:00 PM (Theater)

M. Sea Scout Basic Adult Leader Training (Pre-Registration Required) Limited to the first 30 adults registered. Cost: FREE Sunday 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM (Theater)

N. Introduction to Leadership Skills for Crews (Pre-Registration Required) Limited to the first 50 youth registered. Adults may watch from the back of the room as space allows. Cost: $5 Sunday 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM (Large Meeting Room)

S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) O. Find out all about the B.S.A’s new. S.T.E.M. program and the new awards that go along with it. Saturday 1:00 - 4:30 (Hogwarts Dining Hall)

Beaumont Turns Hogwarts - Fall Fun Castle — Emerson Center Hogwart’s Express or Knight Bus — Shuttle House - [PDF Document] (21)

For all training pre-registrations, please email the names of the participants to Eric Mircsov at [emailprotected]

Course Schedule: This is a visual schedule of the courses we are offering. The letters listed in the schedule are references to the course letter listed next to each course in the Course Offerings Section.


Time Theater Large MtgRoom

Sea Scout Display Hogwarts

9:00 A C H F

9:30 A

10:00 A B E F

10:30 A

11:00 A G A F

11:30 A

12:00 P

12:30 P

1:00 P L I F O

1:30 P

2:00 P J F

2:30 P

3:00 P K F

3:30 P Room Locations: • TheTheaterandtheLargeMeetingRoomarelocatedinthe basem*nt of Hogwarts (the main lodge). • ThePavilionisthepavilionlocatednexttothevolleyballcourtin the corner of Scout Craft Field. • TheGazeboislocatedinScoutCraftField.ScoutCraftFieldisthe field immediately to the east of Hogwarts.

*Courses are subject to change. Announcements will be sent out via the Fall Fun Rally email list with changes and final details will be listed in the lobby of Hogwarts during the actual event.

SundayTime Theater Large Mtg


8:30 A N

9:00 A M

9:30 A

10:00 A

10:30 A

11:00 A

11:30 A

Beaumont Turns Hogwarts - Fall Fun Castle — Emerson Center Hogwart’s Express or Knight Bus — Shuttle House - [PDF Document] (22)

Beaumont Turns Hogwarts - Fall Fun Castle — Emerson Center Hogwart’s Express or Knight Bus — Shuttle House - [PDF Document] (23)

2012 - 20 13 Council VOA Activities and Events

Scouting For Food Saturday, Nov. 17 2012 Local Fire Stations Help staff collection sites during the largest one-day food drive in the country.

Venturing Lock-in Saturday, Jan. 5 2013 St. Louis area Come join the council’s Venturing Officers Association for a Venturing Lock-in at an exciting destination in the St. Louis area. There will be fun, excitement, and food.

Council Venturing Event Saturday, April 20 2013 St. Louis area The council is in the process of planning a new and exciting event for our Venturers. Plan to attend the latest and greatest event! For details, visit

Celebration Dinner Friday May 31, 2013 Location TBA Don’t miss this great evening, which honors Venturers and adult volunteers for outstanding achievements.

Other Activities Year-round: rock climbing, camping areas/cabins, sailing and canoeing, horseback riding, rappelling tower, high ropes and challenge course; summer camp at Swift Base

Beaumont Turns Hogwarts - Fall Fun Castle — Emerson Center Hogwart’s Express or Knight Bus — Shuttle House - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

Phone: +59115435987187

Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.