Bisquick Coffee Cake Recipe (2024)

Last Updated on: February 19, 2024

This Bisquick Coffee Cake is moist, tender, and incredibly easy to make.

Topped with a crunchy cinnamon crumble, you’ll wonder if it’s straight from the bakery!

Its heavenly aroma is the perfect scent to wake up to on a cold Saturday morning. And, thanks to Bisquick, you need not be an expert in the kitchen.

Bisquick Coffee Cake Recipe (1)


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With a few basic pantry ingredients, you can whip up this timeless coffee cake in no time.

Pair it with a cup of coffee and you’ve got the perfect breakfast!

Bisquick Coffee Cake

For those who have never had this cake before, you might be surprised to learn that it does not contain coffee. At all.

So, why is it called “coffee cake” then?

Simple! Because most people enjoy it for breakfast, pairing it with their morning cup of coffee.

Of course, a nice hot cup of cocoa or a warm mug of tea also tastes great with this cake!

How to Make Bisquick Coffee Cake

Making this yummy cake couldn’t be simpler. It’s an easy way to start your day off right.

1. Preheat and prepare. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Then, grease a 9-inch pie pan with butter.

2. Make the batter. Combine the Bisquick, sugar, cinnamon, milk, and egg in a large bowl. Mix well.

Pour the mixture into the greased pie pan.

3. Make the topping. Mix the Bisquick, brown sugar, cinnamon, and butter in a second bowl. Combine with a fork or a blender.

It’s ready once it becomes crumbly. Spread the crumbly topping over the cake batter in the pan.


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4. Bake. Bake for 25 minutes or until an inserted toothpick comes out clean. Then, remove the cake from the oven and let it cool for a few minutes.

Slice, serve with warm tea or coffee, and enjoy!

Tips & Tricks for Making the Best Coffee Cake

  • Don’t skimp on the butter. Butter is very important in this recipe. It makes the topping extra crumbly and rich. Be sure to use high-quality butter, such as Kerrygold, to yield a better-tasting cake with bolder flavors.
  • Pair it with fruit. Coffee cake is wonderful on its own, but it tastes even better with fruit. Serve it with your favorite fresh fruit and a dollop of whipped cream with cinnamon. This simple addition makes all the difference in the world.
  • Mix berries in the batter. Add one cup of blueberries to the batter, and voila! You’ve got yourself a beautiful blueberry coffee cake.
  • Make it nutty. Add some chopped pecans to the coffee crumble topping to give it even more crunch.
  • Experiment with add-ins. Try toasted almonds, chocolate chips, or toasted coconut in the batter. Or try your own favorite add-ins!
  • Serve warm. While you can serve coffee cake straight from the fridge, it tastes best warm. Microwave it for 10 to 15 seconds to give it that fresh-from-the-oven feel.
  • Ensure you measure ingredients accurately. When measuring Bisquick (or any dry ingredient, for that matter), spoon it into the measuring cup rather than dipping and packing. The latter will cause you to use too much Bisquick, which will then yield a dry cake.
  • Make it a bit more decadent. One of the things that make this cake incredibly irresistible is its topping. Double the topping for double the goodness!
  • Use an offset spatula to spread the batter in the pan. Using a rubber spatula will be way too messy.
  • Add frosting. This cake is already sweet, but frosting will make it even sweeter. A combination of whipped cream and Nutella is perfect for this!
  • Add vanilla. Give the cake more flavor by adding 2 tablespoons of vanilla to the batter.
  • Add a little salt. Sprinkle a pinch of salt over the batter before baking to help balance out the sweetness of the cake.
  • Don’t overbake. Coffee cake is dense, so you want to make sure it’s not dry. To ensure you don’t overbake the batter, check it 5 minutes before the end of the suggested cooking time.
  • Let the cake cool to room temperature before slicing. Use a serrated knife to cut the cake to make smooth neat slices.

Storing & Freezing

Store leftover coffee cake in an airtight container. It should remain fresh for 2 days at room temperature. You can also refrigerate it for up to a week.

If you want to extend the cake’s life to up to 3 months, follow these instructions to freeze it:

  1. Slice the cake into individual slices for easier thawing later.
  2. Wrap each slice tightly with plastic wrap.
  3. Place the individually wrapped pieces in a freezer-safe bag.
  4. Press out as much air as possible from the bag.
  5. Seal, date, and label the bag.

You can freeze the slices for up to 3 months.

To reheat chilled cake, nuke it in the microwave on high, using 10-second intervals. Let frozen coffee cake thaw in the fridge overnight. Then, reheat it the same way.

Bisquick Coffee Cake Recipe (2)

Bisquick Coffee Cake Recipe

Prep time



Cooking time



Here’s how to make a coffee cake that’s better than the bakery, with the help of Bisquick!


  • Cake:
  • 2 cups Bisquick®

  • 2/3 cup milk

  • 2 tablespoons white sugar

  • 1 large egg

  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon

  • Topping:
  • 2/3 cup Bisquick®

  • 2/3 cup brown sugar

  • 4 tablespoons butter

  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon


  • Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Grease a 9-inch pie pan.
  • In a large bowl, combine Bisquick baking mix, sugar, cinnamon, milk, and egg. Mix well.
  • Pour the mixture into the greased pie pan.
  • In a separate bowl, combine Bisquick baking mix, brown sugar, cinnamon, and butter with a blender or fork. You’ll know it’s done once you get a crumbly mixture. This is the topping for your coffee cake.
  • Spread the topping over the cake batter evenly.
  • Bake in the preheated oven for 25 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean.
  • Pour a cup of coffee and enjoy!


  • Your pie pan should be about 1 1/2 to 2 inches deep.

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Bisquick Coffee Cake Recipe (2024)


What makes coffee cake different from cake? ›

The difference between coffee cake and regular cake is the topping. Coffee cake and regular cake are made with the same ingredients like flour, sugar, eggs, and butter and a leavening agent like baking powder. The difference is that instead of frosting on top, coffee cakes have crumble or streusel.

Can you use Bisquick instead of cake flour? ›

Yes, Bisquick can be used as a substitute for flour in certain recipes, particularly those that call for a leavening agent such as baking powder or baking soda. However, it's important to note that Bisquick already contains other ingredients like shortening and salt, so adjustments may be needed in the recipe.

What is the difference between Bisquick and cake mix? ›

Cake mix is sweeter than Bisquick because it often contains both sugar and corn syrup. It also usually contains vanilla, whereas Bisquick doesn't have added flavors, allowing the added cinnamon and brown sugar to shine through.

How do you keep coffee cake moist? ›

Melted butter is key for moist coffee cake, but this dessert tends to get drier over time. If you want to prevent coffee cake from getting stale for as long as possible, storing it in an airtight Tupperware is your best bet.

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2) Add Coffee to Your Cream and Icing

Another way to add zing to a coffee cake recipe is to put more coffee in the cream, the icing and pretty much everything else. Again, you can do so in the form of super-strong liquid coffee if preferred, or go the dry way.

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Its rich, bittersweet flavour adds depth to cakes, cheesecakes, pies, cookies, muffins, loaves, and soufflés. It boosts the chocolatey appeal of Fudge Layer Cake with Chocolate Avocado Icing, Coffee Brownies and soft, fudgy Coffee Chocolate Crinkle Cookies.

What happens if you use Bisquick instead of flour? ›

Yes, Bisquick can be used as a substitute for flour when making pie crusts, but it may not produce the same result as using all-purpose flour. Bisquick is a pre-mixed baking mix that contains flour, baking powder, salt, and often other ingredients like shortening or oil.

Why did they change Bisquick? ›

The Bisquick available today is not the same one sold early on. In the late 1960s, General Mills decided to change the recipe. They wanted to make biscuits lighter and fluffier in texture. To do this, they added buttermilk and more shortening, and then began selling the product as New Bisquick.

Is Bisquick and Jiffy the same thing? ›

Yes, Bisquick is the same as Jiffy. They are both included in the category known as ready-to-use baking mixes. Ready-to-use mixes are convenient because they do not require measuring ingredients by hand.

What is better than Bisquick? ›

We tested 5 pancake mixes and the winner was clear. We tested five national brands of pancake mixes. The contenders were Krusteaz, Aunt Jemima (both Buttermilk and Original), Hungry Jack, and Bisquick. Aunt Jemima's Buttermilk pancakes were the best, while Bisquick's mix left a lot to be desired.

Why do people use Bisquick? ›

Initially created to make quick and easy pancakes and biscuits, Bisquick can be used to make a variety of sweet or savory goods. Popular uses for the baking mix include breakfast goodies like pancakes, waffles, muffins, and quick bread.

What year did Bisquick come out? ›

How Bisquick got its start. Discovered in 1931, Bisquick's “miracle mix” has evolved throughout the years, inspiring home cooks and bakers for decades.

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Overworking the batter, especially if it contains gluten, will result in a tough, chewy cake. You'll often see the instructions, “mix until just combined,” in cake recipes. This means to stop mixing as soon as you see that all ingredients are evenly incorporated.

Why is my coffee cake so dry? ›

A dry cake is usually the result of one of the following pitfalls: using the wrong ingredients, making mistakes while measuring or mixing the batter, or baking the cake too long or at too high a temperature. Once you understand which common cake-baking blunders to avoid, you'll know how to bake a moist cake every time.

Why is my coffee cake batter so thick? ›

It might be meant to be thick or you missed something or put too much of a dry ingredient in. You could just add a little water or milk to loosen it up. You could just bake it see what comes out. If it is very dense try soaking it with a bit of syrup.

Why doesn t coffee cake have coffee in it? ›

It's simply a treat that pairs well with a hot cup of joe. What is this? That means if there is caffeine in your coffee cake, it comes from added ingredients. Most coffee cake recipes use all-purpose flour, which doesn't contain any caffeine.

Does coffee cake have to have coffee? ›

Curiously, coffee cake contains zero coffee itself. I think (and I am totally speculating here) that it's meant to be served with coffee, sort of in the tradition of tea. My sleuthing on the internet points to origins in German yeasted cakes, but it's not entirely clear.

What is the difference between a coffee cake or pound cake? ›

A coffee cake is a traditional pound cake with a single layer of cinnamon-flavored simple cake with swirls. Contrary to how it's called coffee cake, it doesn't have any coffee ingredients. A coffee cake is a sweet treat with bread-like consistency, texture, and taste served with coffee or tea.

What is the difference between dessert and coffee portion cake? ›

COFFEE v DESSERT PORTIONS? Coffee Portions - are 1/2 the size of a dessert portion i.e. 1" x 1" x the height of the cake. Dessert Portions - are roughly 1" x 2" x the height of the cake. If your event includes a three-course meal, coffee portions are usually ample.

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