Flames of Rebellion: Royal - Chapter 1 - BlazingMoon375 (2024)

Chapter Text

Saturday April 9th 20xx

Ren gasped as he awoke on the train.

Having been awakened from his nap so abruptly by the train stopping reminded him of the fact that he was far from home. He closed his eyes as he got up from the train car, since everybody was filtering out of the train thanks to their stop at Shibuya.

As he searched for his next train to his new living residence, a voice rang out in his head.

‘Damn Brat! I’ll sue!’ An angry drunk voice raged in his mind.

Ren closed his eyes again as he thought back to the very reason he was now in Tokyo. Taking a moment to catch his breath, he walked until he reached the crossing, catching a quick glimpse down to his phone to make sure he was going the right way. But when he went to use his phone, an app proceeded to make itself known. A red eye was now active as Ren narrowed his eyes in confusion over the app's appearance.

“Say how is the…” A voice started before it abruptly stopped. When Ren looked up at the offending individual, he gasped as he noticed that everyone was frozen around him. As he began to lose focus over this development, his eyes caught the sight of a blue fire across the way, burning high as Ren tried to keep his cool over what was happening.

A yellow eyed replica of himself grinned evilly as he looked at himself from within the fire.

With a single white flash, reality resumed, and the people continued to move like nothing happened to them. With his eyes wide in a panic for a split second, he turned his attention back to his phone and grabbed the red eye app before dumping it in the trash. Letting out a scoff as he continued across the Shibuya Crossing to get to his train.


“Yongen Jaya. This is Yongen Jaya. Thank you for traveling with us today.” a voice chimed on the intercom as Ren got off the train. Letting off another sigh as he got on the escalator to get out of the subway. Rubbing his eyes slightly as he tried to keep himself awake from all of the napping he had been doing on the way here. But once he reached the top, he made a fast walk straight for the doors and found himself in the backstreets of Yongen Jaya. Not a lot of business all things considered.

“When you get there. Sakura-San will most likely still be at his shop.” His mothers gentle voice rang through his head. “He runs a coffee shop called Leblanc. He will help you.”

Ren closed his eyes again as he tried to stay afloat from what he lost thanks to the drunk politician. As he took a moment to catch his breath again, he walked and turned right as he was met with the cafe in question. Gathering his courage, he opened the door to the restaurant, noticing the retro look of the place as an elderly couple sat in one of the four booths. An older gentleman in an apron sat at the bar, looking over a crossword puzzle.

“Let’s see…” The elder gentleman tapped the pencil on his chin. “What could fit in…” He trailed off as he noticed Ren at the door. With a cough, he stood up from his chair and put the paper down. “Oh. Right. They told me you were coming.” He said as the elderly couple stood up.

“Thank you for your hospitality, Sakura-San.” The elderly woman said as the two walked out the door.

“Geez. All that just for one cup of coffee.” Sakura-San grumbled before he focused on Ren. “I take it you’re Amamiya then?”

“That’s correct.”

“Huh.” The older man started before he explained. “I’m Sojiro Sakura. You’ll be in my custody for the duration of your probation. Come with me, I’ll show you your room.” He gestured for Ren to follow him as they walked to the stairs. Climbing the stairs, Sojiro led Ren to the attic which was cluttered with many items throughout.

“Here we are. This is your room.”

“...It’s cluttered.” Ren commented as he observed the books and cobwebs.

“You’re in charge of keeping the place clean.” Sojiro instructed. “Now… I got the gist of your situation from your father. A man was harassing a woman when you were coming back from work. You intervened and got charged with assault because the man managed to manipulate the story in his favor. As a result, your school kicked you out, and all of your friends abandoned you. The courts ordered you to be transferred out here because of the man’s other suggestion of keeping you away from your parents.” Sojiro summarized before he scowled. “That’s what you get for sticking your nose in other people’s business.” He fired as Ren’s right eye slightly twitched.

“Wow. Thanks.” Ren scoffed.

“Either way, you’ll be on probation for the next year. Cause any problems and you’ll be sent straight to Juvie.” Sojiro brought a hand to his chin. “Tomorrow, we’ll be heading to Shujin Academy. Now I got to get back to work, so be careful with what you touch up here.” he finished as he walked back down the stairs into the cafe.

Ren sighed as he grabbed his box that had shipped ahead of him and placed it on the shelf. Cracking his knuckles, he got to work.

Ren wiped his brow as he inspected his work. He had managed to wash the floors clean and clear up all the dust around the room. However, the pile of books and the other items such as the ladder remained on the floor. He was sitting on his bed when Sojiro climbed the steps again.

“Huh… I was wondering what you were doing up here.” He commented as he looked around the room before giving a satisfied smirk. “Not bad. Anyways, I’m heading home. Don’t do anything stupid.” He waved Ren off as he went back down the stairs and locked up. Ren sighed again as he got up and grabbed his sleep clothes from his box. He descended the stairs again into the bathroom as he shut the door with a soft click.

He removed the school uniform with ease as he got a good look at his bare chest. The red soul mark in the shape of a wild flame burned on his upper arms, shoulders and pecs like a living breathing fire. Softly trailing his fingers over it, he gave a soft smile before he continued with his task. Once he put on his green sleep pants and his black sleep shirt, he brushed his teeth and went back upstairs to relax on the bed. With his hands behind his head, he stared up at the ceiling as he went back over everything.

‘A whole year…” Ren thought silently as he closed his eyes trying to stay afloat. A short vibration from his phone brought his attention to it as he lifted it and saw the red eyeball app back on his phone.

“I thought I deleted you…” Ren questioned aloud as he grabbed the app and threw it back in the trash. With the feeling of sleep crashing over him so after, he laid back on the pillow and fell unconscious.


When Ren awoke again, he questioned if he was still sane.

He was no longer in the attic of Leblanc and was now in a blue room with chains dangling from the ceiling. When he shot up, he noticed the handcuffs around his wrists and the black and white prison outfit on his frame. His soul mark was giving a faint glow from underneath the white as he put a hand to his head wondering what the hell was happening.

A short giggle drew his attention as he turned to the right, noticing the presence of a woman around his height smiling into the cell with warmth in her yellow eyes. Dressed in a blue dress that stopped at her knees as a black headband sat on her head with a butterfly pin. Her platinum blond hair went down her back as she held a book in her hands.

As he stood up, his head snapped down to the chain wrapped around his left ankle, tying him to a metal ball in the corner. As he walked to the cell doors, he adjusted his eyes to the light before he gasped.

Around him were a bunch of empty cells that looked the same as his in that same blue color. However, in the middle sitting at a wooden desk was an elderly man with a long nose and dressed in a black suit. His left fingers were tapping together constantly on his right knuckles as he began to smile wickedly. Raising his eyes to his inhabitant, he opened them and gestured his hand to him.

“Trickster…” He began in a high-pitched voice. “Welcome… to the Velvet Room.”




“What…” Ren breathed as he pinched himself thinking he was dreaming. “What the hell did I eat earlier?” he said to himself.

The woman giggled as she looked at him. “Fear not Trickster. The ‘you’ in reality is currently asleep. You will be returned shortly. But first, my master wishes to speak with you. So please pay attention.”

“As I just stated. Welcome to the Velvet Room.” The man started again. “My name is Igor, and I am the master of this place.”

“Velvet… Room…?” Ren processed with great confusion as Igor looked around the room with slight surprise in his eyes.

“Still, this is quite the surprise compared to my last few guests.” Igor commented. “The state of the Velvet Room reflects the state of one’s heart. And it would appear you don’t view yourself as free." He then pulled out two cards and laid them on the table, messing with them slightly as he kept his attention on his inmate. “But even with your circ*mstances, there is a fire that burns within you… a spirit of rebellion that screams for justice in this unjust game of fate…” he flipped one card over as he observed it. “But the question is… do you possess the power to ignite the flames of hope and bring a brighter future…” He flipped another on the opposite side. “Or will you allow the world to fall into a cold ruin?” He looked at Ren, who remained lost by all of this.

Suddenly Igor snapped his fingers as if remembering something.

“Ah yes, where are my manners? To your right is Lavenza. She will be assisting you in your service here.”

“A pleasure, Trickster.” Lavenza bowed as Ren blinked completely lost by what was happening.




“What the fu–” He was cut off as a loud bell went off, causing him to grow dizzy as if he tried to stay on his feet.

“Until our next meeting. Trickster.” Igor’s voice rang out as Ren fell unconscious again.


When He awoke, he was back in the attic. Sunlight now shining through the window as Sojiro approached him.

"Alright. Get up. It's time for us to go get you registered." Now get changed so we can get going." Was all he said before he went back down the stairs.

Ren watched him go before he gave a sigh and went to put on his school uniform. Already off to a rough start thanks to some stupidly weird dream. He just hoped that his stay here in Tokyo wouldn't be plagued by that dream often.




If only he knew...

Flames of Rebellion: Royal - Chapter 1 - BlazingMoon375 (2024)
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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.