The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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1 hJ i i ji ujjww juiriwW I jW 4 SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN: THURSDAY NOVEMBER 27 1919 13 BUSINESS NEWS HAMPDEN COUNTY BUMPER CROPS START ANOTHER BUILDING WESTIELD WEST SPRINGIELD RED CROSS CAMPAIGN HELP OR THE NEEDY 26 There Ltd boadsville NEW YORK PRODUCE MARKET EAST LONGMEADOW MONEY and BUSINESS COMEDY WELD GIVEN (Continue! rom Twelfth DIVIDENDS DECLARED Dec 80 fine MASS OB REV MULLIN price THE IRON MARKET UD Nov 22 con WILBIIAHAM ACADEMY ORIGN EXCHANGE ex Nov 29 ns 15 3X0 TOLLAND CATTLE HOGS AND SHEEP GRAIN AND PROVISIONS (Continued on ifteenth of Hall hill is con BRY GOODS (W METALS 3 ANDARD OIL SECURITIES asked COTTON COTTON AT NEW YORK TOURIST TIRE (Continued rom Eleventh Paffe Bid Asked Diamond Tires on Park place from NIcrcy BOSTON PRODUCE MARKET 328 Dwight St Tel 1923 PALMER closed on 118 will BOSTON CURB MARKET Listed $4 MONSON CASPER RANGER CONSTRUCTION CO CHICOPEE General Contractors 90 CAMPAIGNING NOW rallies with one at the 1 10c 87c 35c nsca Go to Law About It 0 4c lc 16C If Your Coffee Suit You 29c It AGAWAM Go to Law About It 5c And Get a Percolator 35c will hold a Ilas 8 Architects and Engineers Has BUILD 70e LAW protection nnrt of cnnstrnt Newton Bond Co 11c 476 Main Street 9 6 quar share extra 435 40 494 97 310 1 1 1 2 I I New steady March steady Anna Viola Mary Nov 24 Nov 25 after He I saw Dec 15 Dec 15 Jan 15 season will be the last a large at works Woi 7 tv Asked 33 1800 3 15c Dec May Lard: 68 Me 20c Dec 13 Dec 13 loo 6c Dec 31 Nov 29 Jan 10 Jan 20 Jan 20 Dec 12 7c 8 3 5 16 10c Oil 1st KH election Tn morrow at Willinmnsett 70 68c Asked 47c 93c IGc 1 2 nn riday meeting will be society in the Wednesday be Tea and coffee of on 1 9 16 3c 6 50c Dec 13 Dec 13 Dec 13 Dec 20 Dec 20 Dec 12 Dec 15 Dec 16 Jan 3 Nov 20 Nov 29 Dec 20 Dec 20 Dec 5 575 85 180 160 112 89 04 TH 26c 50C 16c 28c 4 92 50c 475 525 713 112 425 2 10c 17C 10c 75c SUPPLY INC built Iaw wuik until Be Perfected In Tight Against 20c 10c 2lc 24c 27c 1 1C 60 67c 25c 14 15c 40c ISC 15c 3 40c 15c 3c 87c 54 OU vf Cal Oil of Ind Oil of Kan Oil of Ky OU of Neb on or closed 8622 spot Dr rederick Clark and Charles Smith The Chicopee alla post office lobby will be open for the convenience of boxholders from 7 to 9 in the morn inc and from 5 to 545 in the after noon There will be no carrier de liveries is allowing his past record to speak for itself The office closed all day Thursday 3 Bid 43c 90c 41 4 30c Bld 82 1725111470 95290108555 82170150 in? 86 no178 98 33165105370 7827569080333 95 Ob OU pfMex Pri Pjrie Hir Refining fech Penn Hthw Penn Sth Pipe iuuarri I nd a rd Andan! andard 4 nd a rd indard preferred andard Oil of andard Oil of Ohio van A inch don Tank icuum Oil ashinffton 122 470 75 195 64 400 28 235 110 115 430 35 450 93 65 48 Dividend $150 1 qu $3 qu8150 1 QQ Joseph Guertin to recover alleged gambling losses in the aggregate of $875 tho trial of which has extended over a considerable period of time Attorney appeared for the plaintiff and Attorney Clifford Lyon represented the defendant Judge John Hildreth reserved fl islon Attorney Thomas Lynch candi date for mayor held two rallies this evening There were about 200 at each rally and the speakers were en thusiastically received Attorney Lynch was informed that he would receive a big vote in ward 2 The office of the water commission ers will bo open riday evening andMonday evening from 7 to 830 for the convenience of those who wish to pay lheir water bins be £1A yr PL Gi pr Gina Signal OU preferred Line If Nanai Transit York Transit Oil AtJtie Ref i preferred Ba Scrym Bueye 1 CL MfK pref CWnent OU Cr 225 107 112 410 30 350 04 60 43 Local Notice ree rent heat light and telephone for keeper at Tkoa country club Inquire Robert Gowdy president 10 Gowdy block 5 50c 3 2280 2180 2200 2015 2030 1985 2000 10200 5037 5062 10400 10500 16600 17000 4375 4250 2t8 745 Stevens Duryea Takes Out Permit for Second Structure of Group Chicopee Nov 26 A permit for the second unit of the $2000000 Stevens Duryea plant was issuer by Building Inspector Haggerty this morn ing The building will cover 100000 square feet and will be similar In con struction to the first unit The work on this new building will be begun at once by Kennedy Co of Hol yoke and should be finished about ebruary 1 About 15 acres will be covered by the entire plant 182 96 40 175 110 375 8O 280 710 40O 338 9S 179 298 7f) 600 4LH) 550 718 430 530 123 130 410 45 65c 5c 62 97c Hull will spend home of their King Mr and with their chd dnv with 1 mother Mra Harriet Cushman in Springfield strcMnNCEu Wai STjWNGiELbMAss' Tolland Nov 2C Mrs Clayton suicide at Colebrook Ct by shooting last Saturday shocked people here where Mr and Mrs Dem ing formerly lived They kept the farmhouse at tho Tunxis club The funeral was at the Colebrook church Tuesday afternoon at 1 Bur was at Robtrtsvilie Ct Miss Ethel Munn daughter of Wil bert Munn has been seriously ill but is slowly recovering under the cars of Dr Ward of Winsted Mrs Trcscott of Granville Corneis Agawam Nov 2ii Mr and Mrs Hastings will entertain at tho Thanksgiving season their two sons and their daughter with their fam Hies I and Mrs larry tings and child from Mbany 1 and Mr and Mrs Thompson tings of Ware and Mr and Mrs Ray mond Littlefield Bodurtha and family wll spend Thanksgiving at the Bodurtha home with their sisters Miss Blanche I Bodurtha and Mrs Walter Rico Mr and Mrs Reed will have a family gathering of about 15 at Thanksgiving dinner including Mrs Reeds mother and sister 'Mrs Bennett and Miss Stella Bennett 544 ACTORY STOCK HOSE BELTING AND PACKING yvloose LEAr XLEDGERS active de mon goods Nov foot to continue the ood on by the Red Cross in combat the ravages of A group of interested meet at the town hall a Wil Bliss do preferred Can OA Arms Du Pont Powr mplre 8 Hercules Powr do preforred Pond Scoville Mtn Thomas Iron Win A new do 1st pre do 2d pref Iroi New I'mt: Nov 2d Cotton roods firmer to day and buying steady Yarns nnu silk In this market in at S175000000 Silks mand and burlaps quiet The Hardware Man itt Main 'Kt 10 Hampden Mayor Starts Series of Rallies and Higgins Is Not Asleep Mont ineny Will Speak Sunday Chicopee Nov 26 The silent cam paigning for mayor came to an end this evening Mayor Coakley opened his series of St Stanislaus hall to night The mayor has his campaign committee picked and hard at work Henry Cloutier the ward 7 aiderman is his chairman Nesbitt secretary and Blanchfleld treasurer An intensive campaign plan has been made and rallies will be held every day up till His schedule is as follows: 2i Champlain club1 airview social club: riday at 730 Red hall Chic opee alls Saturday at 730 North Chicopee street Sunday at noon Mar hall 2 St hall 330 Champlain hall 4 airview church hall 730 Union Canadienne hall 8 Polish national home hall Monday night city hall Janies Higgins the Incumbent's opponent in the mayoralty rate does not believe in rallies He says that the people know what the issues are and ho will leave the fate of his election entirely in the hands of the voters Mr friends say hissiness training and integrity would assure the city a sound administration in the case of his election Arthur Montrneny president of the board of aidermen is doing plenty of work among his friends and has a number of volunteers among the wards who believe that he should be the next city clerk He plans to hold rallies in Willimansett and Aldenvillo on Sunday City Clerk Buckley Ere Jan Ribs: Jan May Pork: Jan May were were It was reported the accumulation of wareuouses is valued were In liuvers or wear and dress goods took on more for the fall season cent three mcth bills t6 per Ophir Metale Co ceni No Worlhlugtii Common Dividend The recent in Worthington pump common which was a feature of uurket was followed Tuesday by Being pressure sufficient to depress therlce for a net loss of more than 'Oints The movement was predicate! Monday on the pos sibility of action by the Worthington board at Tuesday's meeting Tutday the market ap parently discented unfavorable ac tion as regardig the common shares and this was borne out some time after the closi when it was reported that no divided had been declared on IL The regulr 8115 quarterly pay ment was anrunced on the and $15 on tho preferred shares both payable January 1 to stockholders record December 20 xue lurnier pane steam pump at Holyoke ii a branch of the thington comany The manufacturing elates have dclared its regular terly dlviden of $150 on each of record Ncember 1 nln dividend of 1 a share both payable December 1 YorK Nov 26 Cotton futures December 3740c January 3416 May 3240 July 3130 middling 3945c New York Nov 26 Copper easier electro lytic spot tnd nearby first quar ter Iron steady and unchanged Antimony 925950 Metal exchange quotes lead firm spot 670 bid 680 asked Decem ber 670 bld 680 asked Zinc firm East bt Louis delivery spot tsodiu 4vu 15 culls and common 91275 ewes dium good and choice 78G5 culls common 3675 breeding 650ll25 Season of 1919 a Record Breaker in Production of Grains Potatoes and Sugar Beets Washington Nov 26 Bumper world crops of corn potatoes barley rye eugar beets and rough rice for this year are shown in estlpa'ates com piled by the international institute of agriculture at Rome made public to day by the department of agricul ture The production of wheat oats flaxseed however shows a decrease from the average for tho five years ended in 1917 Wheat production in 14 countries excepting the central powers will reach 20 10509000 bush els 965 per cent of the five year av erage Corn will amount to 3126194000 148 per cent greater than the crop produced last year and 44 per cent greater than that produced for the last five years Other crops the depart cablegram shows are esti mated as follows: Rye 169414000 bushels 124 per cent of the flve year average barley 550090000 bushels 101S i er cent oats 2085786000 bushels SO per cent rice 423375 000 bushels 80 per cent potatoes 607632000 bushels 1012 per cent sugar beets 10344000 tons 1148 per cent flaxseed 26492000 bushels 609 per cenL Bondsville Nov Mr and Mrs Morse went to day to Norfolk ct where they will 8pend the holiday and the week end with Mr and Mrs Blanchard Their daughter Miss Gladys Morse of Piedmont will be a guest at the same place Miss Lena Berkley and Miss Jennie Beveredge of Hartford are spending their holiday vacation with Mr and Mrs red Collis Mr and Mrs Benjamin Shaw nnl children are spending Thanksgiving recess with Mr parents in Low ell Miss Nora Harrington was a gifei this week of Mr and Mrs George Can" The public schools closed last night for the rest of the week The stores which were kept open to a late hour to night will be closed the entire 1ny to morrow as will also the Bosmn duck mill The post office will observe usual holiday hours 1 33 130 1 29 K3T4 7fl 73 ft 48 fl 4s 165 12530 72440 qu $3 $175 qu $175 qu 3 qu pr1 qu sa 1 qu sa 120430 66185 61385 Date Stock of payable record jan io Dec 1 Dec 31 Dec Dec Dec Dec Jan Jan Jau 15 Dec 14 Jan 2 Jan 10 Jan 2 Jan 2 Jan 2 Dec 31 Jan 2 Jan 2 Jan 15 Dec 10 Dec 10 Jan 1 Jan 1 Dec 31 Dec 10 Dec 10 Dec 10 Jan 15 Dec 15 Jan 26 eb 2 eb 2 Dec 31 Dec 1 Jan 2 Jan 2 Priests rom Diocese Came To Attend Ceremony at Immaculate Conception Church West Springfield Nov 2G Solemn high mass of requiem was celebrated this morning at 930 In the Immacu late Conception church for Rev John Mullin former pastor who died in October It was attended by 250 chil dren most of whom are pupils in the Immaculate Conception parochial school about 20 priests from nearby parishes and 1500 parishioners of the church Many friends of the dead pas tor who live outside of the parish were present The mass was celebrated by Rev Thomas A McGovern pastor of Holy Name church Springfield Rev James Tyrrell pastor of St Thomas's church Mlttineague was deacon of the mass and Rev Louis van der Smissen of the Immaculate Conception church subdeacon The master of ceremonies was Rev John A nell who succeeded ather Mullin as pastor of the church Among the priests in the sanctuary were Rev John Griffin Rev Charles oley and Rev John I vers of Holyoke Rev James Hester of Mill bury Rev Stephen Hallissey of Hins dale Rev James Broderick of North ampton Rev Owen McGee and Rev Richard Lawless pastor and curate respectively of All church Springfield Rev Cornelius A Sullivan pastor and Rev Daniel Sullivan cu rate of Holy amily church Spring field Rev George Dacey of St Thom church Mittineague Rev Ber nard Kerrigan of Holy Name church Springfield and Rev Albert Brault pastor of St church of this town Relatives of the late ather Mul lin present were Mrs Mary Duggan of Warren Duggan and Philip Duggan of Springfield Mr and Mrs John A Kelly or warren Agnes uug gan of Pittsfield Nicholas Duggan ol New London Ct Bartholomew Dug gan of Warren Mr and Mrs Edward Riley of Warren Mrs Patrick Slein of North Branford Ct and Mr and Mrs James Warren of urnace The Iron Age to day Bays: The efforts of manufacturing ejuuers to provide against the scar city of steel that is in sight for sev eral months of 1920 and the policy of leading producers to keep from over selling and to hold prices In check continue to shape the market Coal supply has become a more pressing problem and as long as railroads keep on taking the steel coal even that which the latter arc ship ping from their own mines there is no dependence on steel output In Illinois and Indiana four iron rolling mills have had to close down for lack of coal and others may soon reach that point Generally the large steel companies have maintained out put and there has been some further gain from the return to work Of strik Wilbraham Nov 26 IleadmasK Douglass announced In chapel tu the names of the students who hd achieved scholarship honors for tic month ending Saturday They are: Palmer Crowell of South Orrnig! William Eaton '20 of Wilbra ham Leland La of Cleve land Charles Merrill and Richard Merrick of Wilbraham: Lewis A Storrs of Hartford Ct Russell Thomas of Brockton a rd rederick Welling '21 of North Ben nington Vt Chicago Nov 26 Evening up trades so as to avoid open risks Thanksgiving occupied most of the aftention of dealers in corn to day and tended to bring about many changes within narrow limits The close was firm at to 1 net higher with De cember 133 to 134 and May 129 to 129 Oats finished oil to cent up and provisions at an advance of 5 cents to 50 cents Special care to provide against sur prise developments during tho holiday were taken in the com pit owing to the critical state of the coal situa tion and to the complexity of the ways in which the grain business might be affected As a direct bearish or bull ish influence to day however the strike outlook served only to promote caution Meanwhile car scarcity re ports offset advices that Iowa farmers were disposed to ship freely Word of a sharp decline in Argentine vessel rates was doubted and therefore failed to count much as a depressing force Readiness with which offerings were absorbed constituted the chief en couragement to bulls In oats the outstanding feature was persistent buying of December and selling of May on the part of houses with seaboard connection Provision? were governed almost wholly by a set back and subsequent rally in hog values The Leading Articles Corn: DpC Jan May Orta: Dec Mayinly Loss of output hy the steel strike is estimated at 2500000 to 3000000 tons of finished material and the out look for a material Increase over the present rate of production with win ter at hand is not promising That there are buyers and sellers to whom the attempt to hold the mar ket in bounds does not appeal appears from such quotations as $50 for re rolling billets $05 for forging billets and S63 for wire rods Little business is done on any such basis but pre mium transactions are likely to in crease Railroad buying now comes up to compete for mill space with tonnage that was on the books before the strike The Pennsylvania railroad has decided to buy 200 (KX) tons of rails and have the price adjusted later Deliveries run over 10 months The Buffalo mill has already received 12000 tons of this total and the re mainder will go to Bethlehem Cam bria Carnegie and Illinois steel com pany mills The Norfolk and Western is inquiring for 26000 tons of 100 pound rails At Chicago pending rail business now amounts to about 300 000 tons Pig iron prices continue to advance and while it Is clear that the steel strike and the refusal of miners to work are factors in the scarcity of iron and therefore in the upward movement of prices it Is likewise clear that consumers are extremely I busy sorne foundries having more or ders than they can care for German makers are trying to sell wire and wire nails in the British market and on ths score of price wli probably succeed Branch offices Gpringfield Mass New York School Children and Other Agencies Insure Real Thanksgiving Din ner for All 1 West Springfield Nov 2C A hearty Thanksgiving dinner will bo enjoyed to morrow by a number of needy fam ilies through tho efforts of the school children and many cjthers who appre ciate the spirit of Thanksgiving orty two boxes containing all the for a dinner were distributed to day under the direction of the school and community nurse Auto mobiles were loaned to assist in the distribution by the police department Town Clerk red II Sibley Walter Barr Mrs Clarence Day Mrs ox and Mrs Worthy Troop 12 of Girl scouts prepared two baskets of food and gave them to two families who would have been without a real Thanksgiving dinner The nurses Town Almoner John Lysaght and the relief association ex pressed their appreciation to the chil dren townspeople and all who assisted in any way toward helping the needy families enjoy Thanksgiving Company Amalgamated Boston Alb Blackstone do pref Boott Mills do pref Keystone Tim Liggett A Pock pr Edison North Pine Line Pan American Petr 8qu do pref 1 qu Pett Multfken lstprlqu uu 4'1 prei Routh Penn Oil standard Oil Ky Stromberg Carb West Coast Oil Westinghouse Cr Kr do nrof Worthington pr Alqu do pref 154 qu Chesapeake RR2 sa 1 qu Main Office HOLYOKE MASS Mr and Mrs A Todd and Miss Gladys Todd and Mr and Mrs Henry Merrill and children Mr and Mrs Monroe Hayward eZ pect to entertain on Thanksgiving iliv Mrst Tt TnvxvnrH nf RcxL Brookfield Miss Minnie Atwater superintendent of tne Doane orphan age in Longmeadow and Mr and Mrs George KendalL The class of the Baptist church will give a pageant in tho town hall on Tuesday evening De wmuer Mr and Mrs Thanksgiving at the daughter Mrs Mrs Hull Jr dren will spetd the Sterling do cublpf Saubers Cdaya do 90 da Comm er days do 90 de rance cbka do cabh Bekdum ecks do cabl 925 Germany ebecks 240 do cabl 243 Austria do cab) 78 Holland necks 374 do cab 37 ti Italy chks 1202 do cabt 1200 Swiss ccka 551 do caU 549 Stockhob kroner checks 22 6u do cals 2275 Christiai kroner checks 2200 do ca 2215 Copenhan kroner checks 2020 do caes 2035 Spain ecks 1985 do cios 2000 Bueno Ires spot 10200 TokohaL yen checks 5037 do cies 5062 Hongko dollars checks 10100 do ctea 10500 Sliangl taels checks 16900 do oles 17100 Calcut rupees checks 4275 do oles 4400 Th par of exchange on important countes calculated from the Uniled Stat Intrinsic valuation of theirtandard coin in terms of Amer ican urrency is as follows: Argeiua 9649 cents to the peso Austi 203 cents to the crown 26S cents to the kroner Engld $486 to the sovereign inld 103 cent to the flomars rac513 francs to the dollar Gertay 238 cents per mark Holld 402 cents to the fieri ludl 324 cents to the rupee Japt 498 cents to the yen Rus 512 cents to the ruble 8pa 198 cents to the peseta LUll Hit Up to 3745 but late months were Un Calaveras Copper settled Port receipts 44920 Unlted'hlef Consolidated Mining States port stockst 1676821 Arizona smelting 102538 making 1808362 so far "I season Calumet Jerome Copper Co Champion Copper (nw) LONDON INANCIAL ARRETS Cherokee Copper Co paid) Contact Copper ($2 SO paid) Colonial Millon Develop Co London Nov Consols for money Pprlnr Mining Co 59'7 i Grand Trunk 8 De Bet rgCreacent Petroleum Co Rand mines 3 Bar sllver 75d per ounce Money 4 per cent Denbigh Mining corp Discount rates short bills 5Ca'6 JUXt Ely Witch 3c Blue Bell irst Copjier ($375 pd) I 7 16 LC Tuesday 405 405 401 41)0 400 49SH 972 970 915 913 248 2508080 37 87 1193 1191 551 549 67c 8Q350 half box native 87 bushel orange ucw rwnun cauxornia 0Q47DU craw I grapefruit $35 box Casaba melon $225 275 crate Vegetable Beans 3(06 bushel Bets new cutoff $1502 bushel Native cabbage $23350 laiiel Brussel sprouts 30c quart Carrots new cutoffs $1125 bushel Celery dozen Cucumbers No 1 No 2 2(53 bushel Onions 5(56 bag 175U 2 bushel Peppers bushel Pumpkins bushel Radishes hot house 50 box 5 dozen) Lettuce $1J 150 bushel Romaine hothouse bushel Squash $30j40 ton rench endive 50fo75c pound Mushrooms $250(350 basket Pumpkins box Tomatoes hothouse 20S0c pound California $150(3225 box Turnip yellow $175250 bag 75c bushel white 50iU75c bushel Potatoes $250(23 1O0 pound Leeks 50275c Eggplant $350450 crate Sweet potatoes $475(2525 barrel 225 basket Spinach $12 bushel native and Texas Oyster plant $1752 dozen Beans and peas New York and Michigan tons $850(9 yellow eyes 8509 red kid neys 141430 California peas 85U(x9 Canada peas 7750 split pea 850(29 dried limes 1450(015 Refined sugar Tli American sugar refining company quote granulated and flno on a basis of Vc for 100 barrel lots wholesale grocer quote f30c per 100 lb In built Table use 35H38c fancy 3ftlu3B nut margarine 294 cooking 30xi34 pnstry cakexuaking and bread making SOUjQSliJ A "get meeting of the men of the Mittineague Congregational church will be held in the church ri day A supper will be served at 63U followed by an entertainment George Mayer the new industrial secre tary of the Springfield Young Christian association will speak on new spirit in An election of officers was held last night by the Pioneer lodge brother hood of railway trainmen The officers elected are as follows: President Wislon vice president McEl lieot secretary Levesque treas urer Harrington business agent Reuter chairman of meetings King After tho election a was served A number of the mem bers from the Boston lodge were pres est A banquet to the 83 men of the Strathmore paper company who were in the service will be given Saturday night by Horace A Moses president of the company at the Kimball hotel It is expected that about 300 guests will be present Harry Burke of 7 Prospect street returned to ins uue being discharged from the navy was in the service 16 months and overseas duty The library will Thnnkscrivimr The funeral of Douglas Carrier the eight years old boy who was killed Tuesday on Westfield street will be held at the home of his grandfatht Lyman 6 Woodmont street to morrow at 11 Rev Herbert Living stone of the Mittineague Congrega tional church will officiate The burial will bo in Hartford Ct CHENEY BIGELOW WIRE WORKS Bank and Office Hailings Elevator Enclosure Ip Rlvrr I3M0 HprlngHrlrt 11877 1 1835 13450 13243 Organization to Westfield for Tuberculosis Westfield movement on work carried an effort to tuberculosis citizens will to night (Wednesday) at which time it is hoped a start will be made to take up thig work and form an effi cient organization or the past two years the work of combating this disease has beea in the hands of the Red Cross They have Issued literature as to its pre vention existing cases have received their attention and a general cam paign of education regarding the scourge has been instituted A gen eral educational campaign regarding all phases of the question means of combating and prevention will be in augurated Edwin Smith one of the prominent citizens who is ac tively interested in the work stated that the methods used by the Red Cross will be closely followed and new ways and means will be added as the conditions warrant The local organization is acting in conjunction with the Massachu setts tuberculosis league a federation representing the 48 states of this country The rapid progres shown in combating this disease has been a sourco of great satisfaction to the medical profession throughout the land and they have pledged active support to the efforts of the league Red Cross stamps for Christmas will be sold during the holiday season in aid of this worthy cause Chicago Nov 26 Hogs receipts 36000 unsettled most 25 to 40c early loss re gained bulk 813fel330 top 1335 beavv 1211044 1330 medium 13441335 light 1275 light light 124((4I12S5 heavy pack ing sews smooth packing sows rough 117361225 pigs 12ai2O5 Cattle Receipts 15000 strong beef steers medium and heavy choice and prime 31350 (142040 medium and good 11251850 com mon 001123 light Height good and choice 14230073 common and medium 7750 1415 butcher cattle heifer 665015 cows35001360 canners and cutters 5 5000 30 veal calves 10017 feeder steers 723013 stock steers 6011 western range steers 75001525 cows and heifers 75001273 Sheep Receipts 11000 drm lambs 6130 me and The mails are greatly con gested at the present time Take no chances when shipping by parcel post Insure that package Low Cost Absolute Protection utures at Chicago Close AKa ugniD voiu Buyer Conner Mining Co Pioneer Consolidated Mine Co Copper Company Porcupine Premier Ranger Petrolenm Co Renter Mines Corporation Kill (The) Mining Co Ruby Cons Silver Mining Co SOS Oil Company Shamrock Alining Co Silver Teaf Mining Silver Reef Mining Co Simms Petroleum Co Superior Oil and Gas Miami ($375 pd) da full paid Stewart Alining Superior A Globe (full paid) Submarine Signal Sunburst Cons Mines Corp Star Tex Petroleum Co Silver Mining Co Texana Oil Refining Co Tonopah (The) Mining Troy Arizona Copnr The Seven Metal Mining Co iruro oieei Ticket Ship Building Co Airplane A Engine Co United Verde Ext Mining Utah National Mines Co Victoria Mining Co Verdn Mining A ng Co Yukon Gold Holiday Happenings Thanksgiving day will be generally observed by the townspeople ail stores will be closed and the union services will be held in the Second Congregational church at 11 o'clock to which all denominations will be welcome A football game between the ederal corporation and a team representing the oster machine com pany will take place on the play grounds In the afternoon a "Sun light Hop" will be held in the Opera house hall and in the evening there will be dancing A large number are to attend a dance that will be held in the auditorium with a local orches tra furnishing the musical program Organization to oster Work of Tu berculosis League A meeting in the town hall to night resolved itself into a temporary or ganization to foster the idea as pre sented by the Massachusetts league for prevention of tuberculosis Edwin Smith was elected temporary chair man and will call a meeting next week to perfect the organization Rev Mr Bissell of Holyoke Connecticut val ley representative of the league out lined the work of the state organiza tion quota will be $1800 72 per cent of which is to go toward the work of the local organi zation and 27 to be divided between the national and state organizations Miss Lillian Burt a Bride The marriagt of Miss Lillian Burt of Pine street and Clyde Cunning ham of West Springfield took place to (Wednesday) at Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament church Rcv O'Malley officiating The bride was attended by Miss Marlon Burt and Ernest Burt brother and sister of the bride After a wedding break fast th3 couple left for a wedding trip to New York and Boston Upon their return they will live in Spring field Davison Sheehan Wedding Miss Evelyn Davison of 23 Orange street and Daniel Sheehan were marrVxl to day (Wednesday) at St church by Rev George itz gerald The bride was attended by Miss Mao Kolleher and the groom by his brother After a wedding trip to New York the couple will live in Bos ton The body of Corporal Pietras ar rived in Westfield Tuesday night The body will be taken to his late home on Montgomery road this (Wednes day) afternoon and tho funeral will be held at his home followed by high mass of requiem at Holy Trin ity church at 9 Rev Gabriel VanRoth officiating The bearers will be ex service men in uniform two of whom will be from the membership of tho local post of the American Legion A Legion bugler will sound at the grave The body was accompanied here by Private Daniel Martain of Hoboken as a rep resentative of the service Burial will be in St cemetery The pupils of the normal school celebrated the advent of Thanksgiving with appropriate exercises at the school Wednesday afternoon A special musical program was rendered recita tions and responsive readings by the pupils being a feature Notice has been given that the meeting of women interested in Americanization would take plqce in the high school Those interested are notified that the meeting place will be in the normal school every Monday at 4 in the drawing room on tho third floor rances Catalina was fined $25 to day (Wednesday) for violation of reg ulations regarding the returns made with reference to childbirth Sentence was suspended In order that she might have time to pay the fine The police department will look into the laws relative to the regulations of the prac tice of midwives in this state and a rigid application of the laws will be made in the future Ttie aid society of the Bap tist church will meet riday afternoon at 3 in the room The presi dent will give a talk on the efficiency of clothing as presented by the Hampden county league Mr and Mrs rank Cowles of Broad street ar entertaining Miss Marian Harlow a harpist Of unusual talent Miss Harlow is a member of the Hartford music club A large numl er of friends of the late Miss Clara Reed attended her funeral at her late home on Court street this afternoon (Wednesday) at 2 Rev Arthur Kernen conducted tho services at the home and at the grave in Pine Hill cemetery Rev Mr Ker nen paid a personal tribute to Miss worth calling attention to her ability her deep Christian character 8n( great interest in the kingdom of God Rev Mr Kernen suggested that Miss idea of the church and the kingdom was very broad and in cluded the whole world as one brother hood Among these present from out of town were Miss rances owler of Cambridge Mrs Pnttv Loe Clark of Hartford Ct and Rev Charles Thayer of Hartford Ct The earers were Charles Little Charles Warren red Shephard Smith rermjtted Boy State Gn Ccn Copper Mines Gadsden Copper Company Jerome Verde Mines Co Massachusetts Breweries Nevada Douglas Copper Onondaga Ohio Copper Co Tungsten ortuna Mines Corporation Gila Copper Sulphide Co Gilpin Development Co Gold Lake Mining Company Gold Cup Mining (The) Goldfield (The) Cons Mines Gulfport Oil and Refining Co Hecla Divide Mining Co Houghton Copper ($8 paid) Homa Oil Imperial Cons Mining Co luler Mountnln Mln Dey Co Iron Cap Common Inspiration Needle Copper Co Kruger Mining Co Logan Mines Company Lion Hill Consolidated Mines Ln Rose Cons Mines ltd Longford Co of America Lightening Rim Corporation Missouri River Coal Co Mrtiinl Divide Mining Co Mojave Tungsten Mojestlc Mines $140 pat I McKInley Darragh Havnge Mlnea I of Cohalt Ltd Mexican Metals ($225 paid! Midway Moss Mining Co '(Monarch Mining Power Co Nnninkoag Copper 810 paid) National Zinc Lend New Baltic Copper pal'd) I North Midas Copper Nixon Nevada Mining Co lOklahoma Bwton Oil Co Oneco Cop Mining (3350 paid) It a Also the Economical Way to Make Coffee Production Pleasing to Large Audience East Longmeadow Nov 26 The musical comedy Will There was given before a large audience this evening by local talent for the benefit of Rowley post American Le gion The cast included a chorus of 10 Anna Carmody Christiansen Ethel Cormier Lindstrom Elsie Lindstrom lemming lorence Lindstrom Vio let Cormier Jennie Johnson and Hel en Stewart Harold Kendal Robert Rushlow Harold Michel Leo Glynn Evelyn Spring and Bella Cormier The songs sung were jog "If I only had found "A good man is hard to be happy when the preach er makes you "Al coholic that melody" not jealous" me to Honeymoon lane" The parts were well taken and the singing was full of vim orchestra furnished the music The comedy was composed by Postmaster Leo Glynn and arranged to fit the various songs In the play there was a won derful dream related by Mr Glynn in which he came back to earth 100 years after death It was abounding In wit and made a local hit There were two bridal couples on the stage Miss Bella Cormier gave a very grace ful dance A dance followed the en tertainment Mr and Mrs Daniel Brown of Birch land park are spending Thanksgiving week with their son Samuel Brown in Ashland Mr and Mrs ranklin Searle of Hartford Ct will take Thanksgiv ing dinner with the father Burt of White Oak farm Mr and Mrs Paul Martin and two children of Groveland are guests of Mrs parents Mr and Mrs vv oicott Hiram Palmer fined to his bed with inflammatory rheumatism Howard Pratt of Springfield has rented A house on South Main street Schools of the town closed to day for the rest of the week and the teachers have gone to their homes for the holidays he post office will be closed from 90 to 530 to morrow but the mail Will go out as usual Robert Spellman is home from Brown university and Pauline Spell nisn from Willimantic normal school Miss rances Burt is home from ramingham normal school and Miss Edith Burt from Simmons college Miss Mabel Davis ig home from her school in Campello Miss Helen Crane is spending the holidays at home from Skidmore college Saratoga Miss rances Dobson a Red Cross nurse IS hnm for tha uuRUAjti xruill Brooklyn navy yard Miss Lena Lyman of Elm street has gone to Northampton for the holiday Charles Barnstead has received a dispatch telling of the death of his mother tn Boston and with his fam ily has one there Superintendent of Schools A ThL Yi JviI1 havo guests a Thanksgiving Dr and Mrs Soule and Miss Jessie Soulo of Monson Miss Mary heeler a student at Welles ley college will be at home with her parents for the day Miss Sadie Burgess has returned to her home on Park place from Mercy hospital lour To ship from the mills (f Bos ton common rate points) in sacks new spring potent epecinl short $1450(15 standard 185014r0 new hard whiter patents 124O( 1375 new soft winter patents new soft winter straight 1085 soft win ter clears 9751050 spring Urst clears 925 ry Hour 8ft840 Corn Ca riots transit and prompt ship ments uhl No 2 yellow $1726174 No 3 yel low 170'74172 new No 2 yellow prompt 168170 No 3 yellow prompt 103183 new No' 4 yellow prompt 100162 Oats Uarlot ti spot or nearby none of fered transit and prompt delivery new fancy 88 to 40 IbR 8Sj88c regular 36 to 38 lbs 8783 old 40 to 42 lbs 91 38 to 40 1 hs yi Cornmeal and oatmeal Granulated $4 bolted 395 feeding bag meal 3155320 cracked corn white corn flour L25 white cornmeal 425 hominy grits and samp 425 white cornflakes etc 475(25 oatmeal rolled 4 cut 460 Millfeed Spring bran $45 winter bran 45 middlings mixed feed 5(U 35 red dog 65 second clears 68 gluten feed 7212 oat ulls 29 stock feed 6150 cottonseed meal 79 S2 Hay No 1 timothy $36'5'37 No 2 timothy 3 2 33 No 1 eastern 3233 No 2 eastern No 8 hay 27(30 clover mixed 28 fff 32 line bay straw rye oat 16 Meats Beef fancy side 25c fancy hinds 8032 fancy fores 1618 heifer sides Veal mutton and yearlings 66i13 lambs spring 22(24 fall and winter 16'18 provisions Heavy backs and short cuts $5760 medium backs D21()(g5L60 long cuts 5360 lean ends 5510 bean pork 4760 (ri4() GO loose salt pork 29c fresh rils 35j 36 fresh shoulders 27 corned shoulders 23 i rir cinvauu Ditvuiuurti regular IIUUIB "34 4 skinned hams 2532 cooked hams 42 6147 bacon briskets 25H bologua 161417 frankfurts 1 9 Va 28 pressed cooked meats 23fft2Vj: pork trim mings 27 fresh sausages 3139 raw leaf 88 rendered leaf 29 pure leaf 28 country dressed bogs 16ii20 plge (40 to 60 lbs) 26 Dressed poultry Northern turkeys 53ft58c fowl large 3G(U38 medium roasting chickens largo 38(y40 medium 3335 broil ers 45iii50 pigeons $350((J4 dozen squabs 6 vu western ice pneaea turkeys HUQXia fowl 2336 dry picked turkeys 50754 fowl large medium small old roos ters native ducklings 3544'36 western ice packed broilers 85(336 Lve poultry owls 3032 chicken 2S 30 old roosters 2Uct23 Hutter ancy northern creamery boxes 7314 fancy northern creamery prints 72(2) 74 fancy western creamery tubs western creamery good to choice 70(71 west ern creamery fair to good 6869 renovated 6061 storage extra 7(M70fc flrxts' CSQ69 Eggs anny hennery $104105 choice eastern 95 fresh western extra fresh western prime firsts 8082 fresh west ern first 7G(g78 storage extra firsts Choose New York twins fanev Now York twins fair to good 33H old twin 36(37 Young America 36S7 bVHt Apples general prices $175'04 bush el Baldwin bushel McIntosh 350 4 bushel all kinds 39 barrel western Imi 'hU450 bananas lb cranberries $175 crate (30 nunits) barrel limes 70 lemons crate grapes Cor jdchon carrier Malaga 275(7? 1 car rier western Emperor 2257? 4 crate Almeria barrel western pears $450G box Palmer Nov 2R Much Interest is tiein shown in the football game to oe played to morrow morning at the driving park grounds providing the weather f3 pleasant between two town teams the All Stars and a team representing Balmer post The Le gion tenm is ma do up of some ex who have on somerr fast teams while in service The players who will represent the Legion on the field to morrow are George Summers rederick Brouil iei 'IcDonrL George Colliss 'I? Hubard Edward Thomnson Edward Connor George McDonald Michael Barry James Hurley and uniter rimnenf The first concert and ball of the newly reorganized Columbia band was neld in Recreation hall in Thorndike to night The ball was well attended people coming from all the surround ing towns Music was furnished by orchestra of Hartford a concert being played from 8 to 9 and tne grand march at 9 o'clock Palmer council Knights of Colum bus nominated an entertainment com mittee at their last meeting with in structions of arranging for 'either a fair or minstrel show George McDonald is chairman of the com mittee rederick Brouillette Walter St John Daniil Connor Ber nard Loftus and rank Horgan are the other members of the committee A union Thanksgiving service will tie held in the Second Congregational church to morrow morning at 930 clock Rev rederick Viggers pas tor of the Advent church will deliv er the sermon The public schools closed this after noon and will reopen Monday morn ing Monson Nov 26 The William lynt granite company has recently signed contracts for furnishing the stone trimmings for the town of Pal schoolhouse that will be at Three Rivers and a mill at tucket There is now plenty of to keep the present force busy spring A pneumatic saw which will do the work of four men will soon bo installed It has been tested on the Monson granite and found to work satisfactorily There are only a few of these saws in operation Anthony Dixon boss weaver at the Grant Kelly mill has resigned to take a position as superintendent of a mill at New London He will leave January 1 The meeting of the Daugh ters which is scheduled for next ri day will be held on Thursday instead at the home of Mrs Elmer Thomp son of Green street The change is made in order that the members may attend the current events class held by Miss Bostwick at the home of Mrs rederic Cushman An all day sewing held by the Dorcas church parlors next ginning at 10 will be served at 1 each mem ber bringing her own luncheon Re ports of the hom*o and foreign mis sionary societies will Ie given in the afternoon and articles made by the Dorcas society this be on sale As this will meeting before Christmas tendance is desired The Daughters bag and apron sale at the home for aged people Wednesday December 10 Afternoon tea will be served If any persons were accidentally missed by the canvassers for the vis iting nurse fund contributions may be given to Mrs red Marsden of Green street Mrs Kate Smith o' the Stafford road will celebrate her S7th blrthdav an niversary to morrow She is prob ably the seccnd oldest woman in town York Not 26 Butter firm receipt creamery (higher than extras) 74 etraa score) 73(U73j nrsts 6213(72 packing stock current make No 2 50t5U 'crrv Ht oe vuw cases iresn sraLa rxtr58 extra firsts 8082 hrstj 679 New York state Pennsylvania and nearby western hennery whites fine to do ordinary to prime do browns 8892 do gathered brown and mixed noLTn Q' vuivu OUCT' Raw stiirar atpartv? flAnfrlfumi rru 11 1 al fk Potatoes and cabbage quiet chanced Wheat spot steady No 2 red J2834 track New fork export billed Corn spot firm No 2 yellow anil No 2 white $16b cost and freight New fork Oats spot steady No 1 white Sftfec Lard firm middle West J258502375 Cot tonseed oil irregular prime summer yellow spot nominal December J209V March 2160 May 2173 all bid Otbetf articles un changed Report that Brazilian shippers were show ing an increased disposition to sell seemed responsible for a further decline in tho market for coffee futures here to day The opening was 10 to 13 points lower and the market sold about 40 to 58 points below last closing during the early afternoon with March touching 1480c making new low ground for the movement and a decline of 233 points from the recent high leveL Trade interests were sellers presumably against purchases at lower prices in Brazil and there was further scattering liquidation but the market was steadied in the late tradlug by covering with March closing at 1515c The general list closed at a net decline of 18 to 25 points December 1465c January 1485 March 1515 May 1525 July 1535 September 1520 Spot dull and irregular Rio 15c Childs Co Childs Co do pref Dome Mines Du Pont de A Cb4'4 qu do deb l'aqu do de Powder iuj do pref 1 qu Hocking Valley RR 2 sa Indian Head Mis Ala 5 sa Montana Power qu do pref 1 qu Yenterdas closing rates of change oral tho principal foreign markets flow: Yesterday 404 405H 40XU 400 400 2 398 972 970 New York Nov 26 The advances of past two or three days were fol lowed by very nervoue and irregular fluctuations in the cotton market to day After a recovery of fully 3 cents a pound from recent low levels on January thero was evidently a dis position to take profits for over the holiday and there was probably some selling on a more uncertain feeling regarding the coal situation After selling off to 3569 for January how ever the price rallied to 3633 or 15 points net higher to f0 points lower Late months were relatively easy dur ing the entire day under selfing for southern and Wall street account while there was also selling of May and July against purchases of near position The market opened easy at a decline of 15 to 45 points There was some trade buying and further covering which caused rallies right after the call but the market very soon weak ened again under southern hedge sell ing and realizing There was evi dently disappointment that no action had been decided upon for' settling the coal controversy and apprehensions of a ae pro aoiy inmaseu oy lJaI DlTWe M11))n)r co reports that the southern regional coal izoua SUver Minea co committee had decided upon measures Jbuy Divide Mining Co for conserving fuel Active months 01 Cu of a sold 58 to 78 points net lower in con sequence but the market steadied imericall ork Exploration Co around 3680 for December and 3363 legoie Syndicate for March on reports from Washing Hawk Minins Co ton that a decision in the coal might he reached to day and bullish Eitric cine? Co spot advices Near months led the'lo'ston Montana Dev Co afternoon rally on reports of furtherbiiHon Divide Mining Co a a 4 London 'otinrr T)fv mnruicin biU IUVUI WIV wu Jito in i large exports with December pVld) 14 75c 10c 30c 15c Po 2 Sti 1 00c 1 6c 8c 2c 1 1 1 lr 8c 38 40 10c 20c 6c 3c 40 41 45 46 25c 29c 4 4 6 4 25c 30c 5 15 20 48c 50c 13 13'4 25e 53c 58c 62c 3 Mi fee 9c 2Gc 27e Goe 75c 1 0c tOc 26c 1 3614 S3 3c 7c 99c 23 24 7c 9c 5 514 2 2 45c 48c 10 15 12c Ibc 15c 35c 25c 40c 3Uc 35c Open II gh Low 133 184 132 129 130 128 128 130 128 73 74 73 76 77 76 73 73 73 14S 146 154 155 153 2525 2530 2525 2400 2440 2400 2350 2372 2342 IS 70 1880 1870 1832 1835 1S32 8250 3260 3240.

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.