THE SHREVEPORT TIMES TUESDAY. DECEMBER 21, 19 DRUNK FINED $75 UPON CONVICTION IN BOSSIER CITY R. Quisenberry was fined $75 and costs in Bossier City municipal court Monday, after a conviction of the charge of drunken driving. Six persons, Milton Gleason, Curtis Gleason, Lee Brown, A. V.
Page, Eugene Earl and Roosevelt Jackson were each fined $2.50 for operating cars not equipped with proper lights. Joe Hargrove was fined $12.50 and H. O. Wangeman was fined $15 for speeding. C.
V. Nason was fined $10 for drunkenness. RAILROAD SILENCES WHISTLES Pierce City, Mo (LP)-Train whistles, silenced for several nights so as not to disturb an injured Frisco Railway freight conductor, are blowing again. SORE THROAT? GET RELIEF WITH St. Joseph Aspirin Soothe rawness and inflammation of sore throat.
Crush and stir 3 tablets of St. Joseph Aspirin in half a glass warm water, then gargle with head tilted far back. Be sure that you use St. Joseph Aspirin. It's genuine and pure so pure that it even exceeds rigid requirements of the United States Pharmacopoeia.
New low prices on the larger sizes: 36 tablets, 20c; 100 tablets, 35c. At all dealers. WORLD'S LARGEST SELLER AT St.Joseph GENUINE PURE ASPIRIN LIQUOR CO. A GREAT GIFT 2 gals. Champagne gal.
Wine In Fancy Leather Box $5,90 IMPORTED ITALIAN VERMOUTH Qts. 90c (Limit 2 to a Customer) BOTTLED IN BOND Hill Hill -or-Bourbon DeLuxe Bottled in Bond Pts. $2.09 IMPORTED FRENCH COGNAC 20 Years Old-84 Proof Reg. $4.19 Now $2.99 (Limit 2 to a Customer) IMPORTED FRENCH Red Bordeaux WINES MEDOC or ST. JULIAN 89c FREE DELIVERY CALL 3143 1163 TEXAS AVE.
Enactment of Resurrection in Holy Land Display 91 In the garden of Joseph of Arimathea, Christ was laid to rest In a new tomb after his crucifixion. In the scene shown above, the resurrection is being enacted. This is one of 124 marvelously reproduced scenes displayed in the Holy Land exhibit of the Gauci brothers. The exhibit is sponsored by The Shreveport Times, with net proceeds to go to the Y. W.
C. A. It is now in its last week at the municipal auditorium. WHAT THEYSAY: (Continued From Page One.) "It is a wonderful work. I enjoyed it very much." H.
M. Shook, Oil City: "I think this the most wonderful thing I have ever seen." Mrs. Joe Camp, you love the holy things of life, you get great pleasure from studying these scenes." Alice Phillips, should see it. It is wonderful." Nell Johnk, wonderful presentation ever in Shreveport." Neva Graves, Mira: "I think this is one of the most wonderful aids in promoting the cause of Christ I have ever known." Mrs. 0.
E. Forshee, Gas should see this wonderful exhibit. It is so inspiring and educational to all. I've certainly enjoyed it." Mrs. R.
P. Shaw, It is most interesting and educational to old and young alike." Charles Baldwin, East think it is the most wonderful thing that I have ever seen. I wish everybody could see it." Maxine Weldon, visited the Holy Land and think it is the most inspiring exhibit in the world." Mabel C. Hunt, El Dorado, most inspirational exhibit that I ever witnessed." Sidney B. Lee, Shreveport: "Most interesting exhibit I have ever seen, and most educational.
All Bible students should see the exhibit." Mrs. L. R. Garrett, Hall is impossible to say how much this meant to me. I wish every man, woman and child could see it." Gladys Taylor, Benton: "This scene is the most remarkable and most beautiful which eyes could see.
The sunset and moonlight are very realistic." Mrs. Harry Caddel, the most wonderful thing thave ever seen. It's very and educational." beautiful. S. Roussel, sacred display brings us closer to Jesus.
Makes 115 want to lead unselfish lives." JONESVILLE MAN BAGS FINE DEER WITH AUTOMOBILE Harrisonburg, Dec. 20 (Special). A very merry Christmas is anticipated by Dalton Faircloth of oJnesville this year -and a very cheap one. Friday afternoon Mr. Faircloth, A member of the Block high school faculty, was returning to Jonesville from Harrison burg.
A fine seven coint deer was strolling across the highway. Mr. Faircloth plunged into it. The result--a deer killed without A shot being fired, Although the car WAS slightly scratched and A hunt might have been more exciting, Mr. Faircloth is now the holder of a unique record.
Repairs for Postoffice At Winnfield Assured Winnfield, Dec. 20 (Special). On Dec. 30 the Procurement division, public building branch, Washington, D. will receive sealed bids for the plastering and painting the Winnfield postoffice building.
Specifications, not exceeding one set, may be obtained from the custodian of the building or from W. E. Reynolds, assistant director of Procurement, public building branch, Washington, D. C. A new aerodrome has just been opened at St.
Mary's on the Scilly Islands. Over a Quarter Century OSBORN Funeral Home, 1625 Fairfield Avenue YOUNGSTER ON WEST SIDE IS FATALLY HURT (Continued From Page One.) avenue, who saw the acident, and carried across the street to the hispital, Mother Seriously Ill Dr. Butler investigated the child's death Monday afternoon but withheld a final report until after the testimony of Walker and other witnesses is taken at the hearing today. Mrs. Miller, who has been in poor health for several months, was taken to Tri-State sanitarium shortly after she learned of her daughter's death.
Attendants said her condition was serious. Amanda Gates, the negro nurse who was with the child, told her story of the accident while she packed the little girl's clothes and Christmas presents and took down Christmas decorations in the Miller home. Funeral Wednesday Morning "I don't know just how it all happened," she said. "I had Merry by the hand and when we got to the street (Hearne avenue) she jerked loose and ran out in front of the car. I couldn't grab her quick enough to hold her." Funeral services will be held at 10:30 a.m.
Wednesday at the Osborn funeral chapel, with the Rev. M. E. Dodd, pastor of the First Baptist church, officiating. Interment will be in Forest Park cemetery under the direction of the Osborn funeral home.
The little girl is survived by her parents; her maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Ledbetter, Cheneyville, her paternal, grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Miller, Swartz, and her uncle, W. R. Ledbetter, Shreveport. SHREVEPORT See It Grow, Day by Day One permit for $80 was issued Monday by B.
F. Ray, building inspector. Band Clearings. Bank clearings in Shreveport Monday totaled $637,042.85. Cash and Credit Transactions, Among the larger cash and credit transactions recorded Monday in the office of V.
G. Simmons, district clerk, was the following: Herman E. Williams to Mrs. Eugenia Baker Morris, lots three and four, block two, Slattery park subdivision, with all improvements, for $2,000. Snowy owls, with wing spread of six feet, are migrating form the Arctic to Siberia.
COMMENT Comment on the full- page advertisem*nt we ran in yesterday's paper was highly favorable--now all we have to do is to sell a whole lot of FLOWERS to pay for the durned thing. So, if you want we've got 'em! Ray We Shop in FLORIST Texas at Market Phone 2-4703 (FLOWERS--you have no idea how many--will start filling up our store this morning. Visit us -you are always welcome) SPECIAL OFFERI ONLY 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. THIS COUPON WORTH $4.41 Towards This Purchase 40 THIS Entitles CROSS Bearer COUPON to One of AND Our NECKLACES ONLY Regular $5.00 59c IN PLAIN OR WITH FACSIMILE DIAMONDS Bring this coupon and 59c to our store and receive one of our regular $5.00 Cross Necklaces.
You save exactly $4.41. This 59c merely helps pay for local advertising. expenses, salespeople, etc. Nothing more to pay. NEW STREAMLINE DESIGNS These beautiful Cross Necklaces are the new fashion sensation, now being worn morning, afternoon and evening.
Variety of styles for women and girls, in plain or fancy designs, complete with chain. LIMIT TE TO A COUPON This offer made possible by the manufacturer. Limited supply for this special sale. We reserve the right to limit quantities. This coupon is good only while Advertising Sale 18 on.
CHOICE WHITE OR YELLOW This Cross Necklace given Free if you can buy one elsewhere in this city for less than $5.00. This is an introductory offer, and the Cross Necklaces will be $5.00 after this sale. If you can't at- J. B. BOOK orders add Mail tend this sale, 6c extra.
State leave money at plain or fancy and store. Your Cross held aside for Shop in white or yelNecklace will be Gift Cross Necklace, you. 528 Courthouse low. Opp. CLIP THIS COUPON NOW Our Stock of These and Other Better Gifts More Complete Than Ever Before "Ask Anyone We Serve" Christmas Cards M.
Bath Ltd. Portable and Desk Holiday Stationery Manufacturing Stationers Size Typewriters Book Ends PRINTING BINDING, LITHOGRAPHING Office Furniture Desk and Pocket ENGRAVING Fountain Pen Sets OFFICE SUPPLIES AND Desks- Chairs Files EQUIPMENT Desk Lamps Desk Sets PHONE 7141 Smoking Stands Penwood Electric 608-610-612 Desk Clocks Brief Cases MARKET ST. Thermos Water Sets SHREVEPORT, LA. Work Distributors Two Ferriday Couples Plan Anniversaries Ferriday, Dec. 20 and Mrs.
A. J. Hodges of Ferriday will be "at home" Friday, Dec. 31 from 8 until 10 p.m. in honor of the 50th wedding anniversary of Mr.
and Mrs. J. C. Collins and their own 25th wedding anniversary. Church of God Plans Party Here Thursday Carol singing and the exchange of gifts will feature the Christmas program at the Pilgrim Church of God, 5925 Lexington street, at 7:30 p.m.
Thursday. 'The Rev. W. S. Sturdevant, pastor, will have charge of the entertainment.
Chloroform was first prepared 1831. See Me to See Right Dr. D. H. Jewell OPTOMETRIST 218 Ward Bldg.
Phone 2-6821 H. to St. 20 Wheels of Industry Whir In State as Year Closes Leche Counts $37,000,000 In Private Capital Invested In New Factories Under Golden Rule Policy Baton on the wheels vested widely Rouge, Dec. 20 delta as Louisiana rolls into of industry, counting in new factories under hailed "golden rule" policy Unemployment is fading this wave of fresh cash which erecting 82 new factories. Construction jobs are being provided for some 10,000 Louisiana building tradesmen and permanent employment will be given 17,000 workers with payroll estimates of $25,000,000 annually.
"Brushed the Surface." Governor Leche, who inaugurated the plan to stimulate industry, surveyed the year's accomplishments and proclaimed that "we've only brushed the surface." The state's electorate ratified a 10-year property tax exemption program to stimulate industry by an overwhelming vote in November of 1936, and Louisiana celebrated its first anniversary of the program November. Timber, and chemical enterthis, prises drew the major slices of investment. Contracts for 33 factories, mills and plants for development in these three fields totaled 645, or about 70 per cent of the entire new capital invested. The timber industry was responsible for $13,561,150, largest of the investment totals. Petroleum was second with $9,356,500 and chemical products followed with $2,422,995.
The largest investment by one concern 1s a $12,000,000 outlay by Southern Kraft corporation, subsidiary of International Paper company, for a new paper pulp mill at Springhill, La. Ranking next to this $7,000,000 investment by Standard Oil of Louisiana to enlarge its Baton Rouge plant. Ten Million at Capitol. In Baton Rouge, where $10,000,000 of the total new investments is being spent, the Louisiana Steam Generating company is expanding its power prod facilities at an expenditure of $3,000,000. The Southwestern Gas and Electric company at Shreveport is building a $1,200,000 addition to its present unit.
"This is simply a result of our policy of 'take care of industry and industry will take said Governor Leche. "We have guaranteed business against burdensome legislative restrictions and political harassment. We intend to give industry a fair deal." Governor Leche declared "it's high time we are paying some attention to the man who meets the weekly payroll and stopped this political pummelling and tax molesting." Music is being played in factories of England to speed up work. happiness the New Year on whirring $37,000,000 of private capital inGov. Richard W.
Leche's toward business. BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Jack Flaitz of Houston, Texas, are the parents of daughter, Marilyn Minette, born in Houston Saturday. Mrs.
O. L. Hickman of this city is the maettrnal grandmother, and the paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. G.
C. Flaitz, also of Shreveport. Arcadia, Dec. 20 and Mrs. Haywood Cathey of Arcadia are the parents of a son, Donald Leigh, born Dec.
12 in the Schumpert sanitarium in Shreveport. The maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. R. E.
Cates of Taylor, and the paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Cathey of Arcadia.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence E. Clark, 625 Thompson street, Bossier City, are the parents of a daughter, Cornolia Sue, born Dec. 12 in the Highland sanitarium.
NEVER BEFORE SUCH SAVINGS! Booths roth's BRANCH 801-837 Texas Ave. 1643 Texas Ave. I BIGGEST ALLOWANCE IN OUR HISTORY GENERAL Hew 1938 ELECTRIC TOUCH TUNING Ross a button ally Just imagine! Now, while this offer vasts you can get this sensational G-E Foud Tuning Radio at the lowest price ever of fered and on the easiest of terms beside receiving a maximum trade-in allowance fo your present set. Don't wait come soday No dials tarst, YOU SEE US ANY BEFORE RADIO BUY NEW 1938 FREE MODEL F-96 9 G-E TUBES TRIAL 3 BANDS FOREIGN- Indicator. -DOMESTIC Stabilized RECEPTION EASIEST Instantaneous Touch Tuning (7 buttons).
Band Large Dynamic Silent Tuning. Tone Monitor. AFC. Speaker. Bass Compensation.
Visual 4-point Tone Control. Automatic Handsome Console. Only Louver Dial. Visual Volume Control. Automatic Volume Control.
$9995 TERMS MORE SENSATIONAL 1938 G-E VALUES AMAZING TRADE- -IN ALLOWANCES Do 1720 k. to 7000 k. Tone Monitor, Louver Dial-540 to Large Dynamic Speaker-6 Watts Output. MODEL F-63-6 Tubes, 2 Bandsh $4295 MODEL F-85 8 TUBES 3 BANDS MODEL F-658 6 TUBES 2 BANDS FOREIGN -DOMESTIC RECEPTION FOREIGN -DOMESTIC RECEPTION Tone Monitor. Cathode-ray Tuning Indicator.
Tone Monitor. Lover Dial. Visual Volume Louver Dial. Visual Volume Control, Visual Control. Visual 4-point Tone Control.
Large 4-point dicator. Tone Large Control. Stabilized Automatic Dynamic Band Speaker. in- $8495 sation. Stabilized Dynamic sensational Speaker.
value at Bass only. Compen- $5995 Bass Compensation. Only. BRANCH 801-837 Texas Ave. laxas Ave..