I Love You To Pieces Craft {+ Free Printable} (2024)

This torn paper I love you to pieces craft is a fun hands-on craft that helps children to enhance their fine motor skills and express their creativity. The finished piece makes an adorable sentimental gift for loved ones for Valentine's Day or Mothers Day.

Children of all ages will love being able to tear up paper and create their own masterpiece. I've also created a free printable I love you to pieces template you can download to make the craft even easier.

I Love You To Pieces Craft {+ Free Printable} (1)

This is a great craft for both physical and cognitive development as it involves tearing paper, gluing and choosing the placement of the pieces to create their design.Tearing paper requires the use of small hand muscles and coordination, strengthening fine motor skills essential for activities like writing. Manipulating the torn pieces and applying glue involve precise hand movements, enhancing hand-eye coordination. These activities help children strengthen their grip, finger dexterity, and overall hand control.

If your kids like this craft they'll also love our I love you to pieces puzzle card. Both crafts make great parent gifts for Valentine's Day or Mothers Day if you're looking for a whole class activity.

Supplies needed:

I Love You To Pieces Craft {+ Free Printable} (2)

If you don't have coloured paper you can also make the craft using torn tissue paper, newspaper, old magazines or cut up cellophane.


1. Print out the template onto a piece of white paper or cardstock.

2. Colour in the words I love you to pieces. It's much easier for kids to colour in the words before they start gluing on any of the pieces of paper.

I Love You To Pieces Craft {+ Free Printable} (3)

My girls both made their own version of this craft and I love that even though they started with the same template they ended up with completely different designs. My 10yr old chose to use shading and pink to emphasis the word love and then coloured the word pieces with blue and yellow smudges to represent pieces, while my 6yr old went for a rainbow design.

3. Tear coloured paper into strips then rip them into smaller pieces. This is a great way for kids to work their fine motor skills and it doesn't matter what size or shape they tear the pieces into.

I Love You To Pieces Craft {+ Free Printable} (4)

4. Glue the torn pieces onto the heart section. It's best to use a small amount of glue on each piece, but make sure that it's spread over the whole torn piece so that it'll stick flat. The more glue that's used the more likely the paper will be to bend as it dries. Once the heart has been filled with torn paper, set it aside to dry completely.

I Love You To Pieces Craft {+ Free Printable} (5)

The girls chose their own design as they added pieces of torn paper and ripped some pieces smaller to make them fit. My 10yr old made a faceted pink, blue and yellow design to match the way she coloured her words.

I Love You To Pieces Craft {+ Free Printable} (6)

My 6yr old went for a very haphazard, abstract design as younger children typically do. She made it rainbow colours to match her words and was actually very specific about tearing her pieces smaller and placing them.

I Love You To Pieces Craft {+ Free Printable} (7)

5. {Optional} Laminate or frame the finished art work. If you want to use the craft as a gift, or protect it so it can be displayed I recommend laminating it or framing it so it doesn't get bent or damaged.


You can download the free printable I love you to pieces template by clicking the download template button below. The template is an A4 size PDF file. The actual template does not include a solid border or watermark.

Please note this printable template is for personal or classroom use only and cannot be electronically distributed, reproduced or uploaded and sold on any platform. If you would like to share this printable please link back directly to this post.

I Love You To Pieces Craft {+ Free Printable} (8)

I Love You To Pieces Craft {+ Free Printable} (9)

I Love You To Pieces Craft {+ Free Printable} (10)

I Love You To Pieces Craft {+ Free Printable} (11)


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I Love You To Pieces Craft {+ Free Printable} (2024)
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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.